Overcoming My Shyness

As I’ve mentioned, I am not a social butterfly. I leave that task to my husband, who is really good at it. Of course, I can hold a conversation once I’m engaged. It’s getting me to engage in a room where I don’t know anyone that’s my problem.

I’ve taken my first tentative steps online by joining groups, starting profiles, and generally just promoting me. Wow, I never knew just how much work it is?! My career has been temperamental, but I’ve been lucky because the large projects have typically found me. But trying to build a network is harder than any writing project that I’ve tackled. As a matter of fact, I have new respect for all of you who have taken the social network bull by the horn. Bravo! Teach me, O wise ones…

Another plus in this new venture is that I am finding that my writing voice has returned after an extended hiatus. It is so good to be able to type out my prose, and actually see something creative forming. I’ve missed my muse! Now, I just need to hog tie her to me so that she never leaves again!!!

What are your networking secrets?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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