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Our censorship fight with the US Congress is far from over, as they continue to attempt to break the Internet with legislations driven by crony capitalism in the US and abroad. Though SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) have been pulled back for now, more continue to follow them. Now, we have to contend with ACTA (more) and TPP (2), which are international attempts to censor and control the Internet for the sake of commerce. And if that's not enough, now there's CISPA (more).
Go to to keep up with the legal news that impacts our world and its technology. The greed won't stop, so we have to stay vigilant as well. Especially now that lobbyists are admitting out loud that they expect to be rewarded for their "contributions": Read it on TorrentFreakThanks for visiting!
I want to thank all of my visitors who are taking the time to leave such inspiring and thoughtful comments. I'm glad that I'm able to connect with so many of you through my writing. This blog is all about things that drive my creative inspirations, and all of you are part of that inspiration. So, thanks for your support. I look forward to getting to know you better throughout this creative journey.
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Except where clearly noted, all CBrajkovich Ramblings content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Please contact me if you want to use my writing, and be sure to attribute the original to Carolyn Brajkovich, as indicated in the license.I support EFF’s work!
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Category Archives: Creative Ramblings
And Then The Challenge Was Launched
The Mayo-lution of 2009 starred Stephen Colbert against Miracle Whip. Neither side would take any prisoners. And both sides approached the battle with appropriate levels of comedy and individuality. Who won? It depends on which side your supporting. … Continue reading
Your Kids On Books
Imagination is a habit to be uplifted and encouraged, but never muted. So when there’s a campaign out there to encourage kids to read more, well, you know that it’s a good cause. And when there’s a group behind such … Continue reading
Benjamin’s Ondine
And while I’m on a kick of finding new works from some of my favorite artists, I thought that I’d share this amazing image from the always incredible Benjamin Lacombe. This … Continue reading
Mall’s Forest Is Growing
So, I checked in with Mall‘s (aka May Ann Licudine) site to see if she’s up to anything new, and was delighted to find out that she’s working on art for her next Gallery Nucleus show in September. Mall’s well … Continue reading
A Grain Of Sand – Needs Support
Brendon Grimshaw‘s story is spreading, and it’s one that should spread as far as possible. It’s the life story about a former newspaper editor who buys his own island and creates the world that he wants. But after 3 decades, he … Continue reading
Punks Jump Up On A Rhythm
How about a quick pick me up that’s full of good music and brilliant graphics? ChezEddy produces this music video Punks Jump Up featuring Dave1/Chromeo – Mr. Overtime, which takes us on a awesomely fun ride with graphics that somehow … Continue reading
Epilogue Becomes A Beginning
Life continues to throw challenges at us every day. How we resolve to get over them, and who we become when we have, is a testament to who we are as individuals. This beautiful short by kris anka is entitled … Continue reading
Simply Love
And sometimes we simply have to go with what we love. In this case, I love the fact that a few of my favorite artists have been drawing new and incredible works of art! Eric Canete … Continue reading
Yan’s Been Traveling
I have been in love with the delicate illustrations of Yan Nascimbene (as you can tell) since I first saw them, so I’m … Continue reading
Intersection of Science And Art
Innovators in both of two domains are basically dreamers and storytellers. In the early stages of creation of both art and science, everything in the mind is a story. – … Continue reading