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Our censorship fight with the US Congress is far from over, as they continue to attempt to break the Internet with legislations driven by crony capitalism in the US and abroad. Though SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) have been pulled back for now, more continue to follow them. Now, we have to contend with ACTA (more) and TPP (2), which are international attempts to censor and control the Internet for the sake of commerce. And if that's not enough, now there's CISPA (more).
Go to to keep up with the legal news that impacts our world and its technology. The greed won't stop, so we have to stay vigilant as well. Especially now that lobbyists are admitting out loud that they expect to be rewarded for their "contributions": Read it on TorrentFreakThanks for visiting!
I want to thank all of my visitors who are taking the time to leave such inspiring and thoughtful comments. I'm glad that I'm able to connect with so many of you through my writing. This blog is all about things that drive my creative inspirations, and all of you are part of that inspiration. So, thanks for your support. I look forward to getting to know you better throughout this creative journey.
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Except where clearly noted, all CBrajkovich Ramblings content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Please contact me if you want to use my writing, and be sure to attribute the original to Carolyn Brajkovich, as indicated in the license.I support EFF’s work!
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Category Archives: Creative Ramblings
Support An Artist
I stumbled onto this musician (he’s part of a metal band, Logistic Slaughter) by accident when I saw an original Reddit post (and more) about his confrontations with his mother. I was curious until I heard the abuse she was … Continue reading
I FEEL Great!
Ha ha. This is the perfect way to start your weekend. Do you feel great? Well, he definitely does! Maybe I need to go eat a Nutrigrain bar? And then there’s this one: Eat It Don’t Tweet It -> more … Continue reading
They’re Back – Well, Gianni and Sarah Are (this time)
Walk Off The Earth made a huge splash with their song Somebody That I Used To Know. I have been in love with their stuff, and they are starting to release even more amazing music. Each one of them are … Continue reading
A Wish For Billy and Ron
I’ve covered Whitestone Motion Pictures before (check them out, because they do amazing creations), but this video and story needs to be shared to send a wish for Billy and Ron. Be forewarned because you will cry when you read … Continue reading
A Promise
And how is this for a novel concept on interaction: Buying with a promise and not money? The Generous Store is a sweet shop that isn’t only full of chocolate. The only way that you could purchase these tasty treats … Continue reading
A Gift
If you want a refreshing take on social interaction, then here’s a pretty awesome lesson from Kotex and Smoyz Creative: Inspiration Day. Kotex took the interests of 50 women and used their Pinterest boards to create a personalized gift. All … Continue reading
A Brush Stroke
The brush stroke of an artist is a unique signature of style. It’s as individual as a fingerprint, which is why there’s a science in studying a person’s movements … Continue reading
Akira the Movie (independent)
I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, but OMG, this is exciting. The famous manga, Akira, is going to be made into a live action movie directed by Fabian Dubois! What you’re seeing is the teaser. If you’re a … Continue reading
Master’s Voice
This spooky little dance called The Master’s Voice comes courtesy of Brazilian-born filmmaker Guilherme Marcondes and an incredible cast of artists, and is a teaser for a new project. And by looking at his past credits and creations, it’s going to … Continue reading
What do you get when you combine one of your favorite artists and one of your favorite subjects? Zombillénium by Arthur de Pins looks to be an incredible adventure combining the adorably sexy art of Arthur with vampires, werewolves, and … Continue reading