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Our censorship fight with the US Congress is far from over, as they continue to attempt to break the Internet with legislations driven by crony capitalism in the US and abroad. Though SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) have been pulled back for now, more continue to follow them. Now, we have to contend with ACTA (more) and TPP (2), which are international attempts to censor and control the Internet for the sake of commerce. And if that's not enough, now there's CISPA (more).
Go to to keep up with the legal news that impacts our world and its technology. The greed won't stop, so we have to stay vigilant as well. Especially now that lobbyists are admitting out loud that they expect to be rewarded for their "contributions": Read it on TorrentFreakThanks for visiting!
I want to thank all of my visitors who are taking the time to leave such inspiring and thoughtful comments. I'm glad that I'm able to connect with so many of you through my writing. This blog is all about things that drive my creative inspirations, and all of you are part of that inspiration. So, thanks for your support. I look forward to getting to know you better throughout this creative journey.
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Except where clearly noted, all CBrajkovich Ramblings content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Please contact me if you want to use my writing, and be sure to attribute the original to Carolyn Brajkovich, as indicated in the license.I support EFF’s work!
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Category Archives: Creative Ramblings
If you’ve been to Japan, then you know all about Wagashi. It’s the traditional Japanese confection that is a form of art that pleases the palette as well as the eyes. Usually seen at tea ceremonies, it can either be … Continue reading
Alternative Viewing
meanwhile, in another universe… I am so glad that today I found this picture up on Reddit (man, I love their humor). Frankly, I’ve been really deflated this week as things … Continue reading
Sandy Etchings
And once again, Twitter lets me discover an artist who canvas is not only big but also gritty. Andres Amador makes incredible sand etchings or beach art using rakes and a whole lot of imagination along with lucky timing. Can … Continue reading
There has been one specific picture from NASA that has always spoken to the deepest depths of my soul. It’s the awe-inspiring image of our beautiful world as taken by … Continue reading
When Books Come Alive
Books carry a life within them, driven by the story. All it takes to release that spirit is to open up the cover and dive right in. Su Blackwell is … Continue reading
On the Alter of Nature
It is bigger than us, yet it fills us with its wonder. It holds power over us, yet allows us to do what drives us from within. It’s … Continue reading
First Run
I could not stop chuckling at this video forwarded by @Marilyn_Res showing a little girl getting ready to go down her first ski jump. Don’t we all remember that first feeling when you do something that you know is going … Continue reading
How About This Combo?
Clicking on a Reddit tweet, I came across this amazing piece of (dream) collaboration of Pixar and Marvel, but done by artist Victor Hugo. He’s the artist who created the main character … Continue reading
Winnie Avengers
I just saw this incredibly adorable series of Avengers meets Winnie the Pooh treatment by Charles Paul Wilson III. Honestly, I don’t think that I could have … Continue reading
Live Full Circle
Jump rope. It’s something that we’ve all done as kids. Watching the rope go full circle, looking for your chance to jump in and live the game for as long as you can. Around and around it goes… Changing speed… … Continue reading