Moving Pains












Getting too comfortable in one place can be quite troublesome. You make your nest as cozy as possible, never thinking of the possibility that it won’t be there for you forever. But in this day and age, nothing is permanent – least of all a physical presence known as home.

When change happens, you’re hit with emotions when you least expect them. If your life has been full of changes, then you think that you’ll be able to handle the new ones. But life has a way of throwing the balance off to test your resilience.

We’re in the midst of huge changes and it feels like ripping a band-aid that’s been attached to your skin for too long. There’s no easy way to remove it so that you don’t feel the pain. All you can do is embrace it because it reminds you that you’re still alive. Moving pains just come with bigger band-aids, or so it feels. Hopefully, the next place will use rolled gauze that will stick far less to those sensitive places…like your heart.

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Art Depicting Life: Baobab

This beautiful film short, Baobab, by Nicholas Loesner is a beautifully haunting example of art depicting life. A retelling of a classic love story in the vein of Romeo and Juliet but with a hopeful twist that reminds us that life and love has a way of surviving.

This is a student graduation piece by Nicolas who is working on becoming a CG animator. One thing that you can say is that he understands the heart of a story. He sees that all of life’s stories are intertwined by the actions that we all take. And that the cycle of life and death is interspersed with the actions of those who seek to dominate, so that they can control this chain. But the spirit that drives us all will find a way to make its wishes known, even against the most grave of odds we face. Respect the cycle and learn from it, because it’s outlived us all.

I hope that we see more from Nicolas because he has a masterfully artistic voice that should be shared.

– thanks to Vimeo for this heartbreaking piece

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True Support

The Western Sydney Wanderers are more than a group of soccer loving players, they are also members of the Wheelchair Initiative that supports disabled players enjoy that same sport. It really is wonderful when you see professional players extend their embrace for their beloved sport so that many regular people can enjoy the same pastime. Football NSW holds a tournament called Football4all that allows many well-known figures to interact with special needs players, bringing recognition to their sport.

This video, shared by hypnoguy2 and Reddit, shows another level of support for these athletes as they participate in a sport that they love. True support that comes from a great group of people so that the players know that they are also loved. Awesome, incredible, heart-warming support that shows the true meaning behind playing sports. It’s not about winning, though many fans and parents will argue the point, but it’s about participating in an event for the sheer love of the sport.

We see to many ugly fan incidents at sporting events and even children’s sporting events, but clips like this make you feel so much better. Take note sports fans, the next time you’re yelling at a player or umpire because you feel slighted.

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SpaceX Vision

If you’re wondering what all of the testing that SpaceX has been doing is for, then here’s an awesome reminder of what we are capable of when our minds are set to new horizons. If you’re a fan of space exploration, then you already know that SpaceX won a contract with NASA for sending cargo to the ISS. You’ve probably also seen the pretty amazing launch tests and landings that the Grasshopper has been completing.

This video shows the mindset that SpaceX has followed in order to re-imagine the possibilities with space flight that factors in reducing the costs incurred on these missions so that more can be done with less. Considering the amount of success that SpaceX has already achieved, and the beautiful minds that stretch into exploring the unknown, it looks like Elon Musk’s team has put a firm foot into outer space. Now if we can only keep our governments from profiteering from those achievements, then maybe we can see that these steps are indeed for humanity as the previous generation of space explorers from NASA and other space agencies recognized.

SpaceX’s vision shows us the possibilities when we move past questioning new practices and embrace radically changing models that only hold us back. And you have to admit that Elon Musk is definitely a person who travels on paths rarely trodden (how about the Tesla). This is the kind of leadership mentality that the 21st century needs more of. Not the antiquated, close-minded kind that we currently have all over our fragile planet.

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Carnival Transforms

Ha ha, cruising through Reddit, this video of something you don’t see on your streets everyday caught my eye. In Portugal, this Carnival participant (which happens before Lent) has a new take on a costume that transforms itself from mundane to mind-blowing in an instant. Talk about creative (and limber). Meet one of the transformers, obviously out to celebrate along with everyone. It seemed to have the police there baffled for a few seconds.

– awesome video from Freakepedia and Reddit

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Where Many Want To Belong

Piccsy found a pretty powerful image:















Belonging to the world sounds pretty wonderful. What do you think?

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Thin Skin Of Civilization

The world is coming apart at the seams. No matter where you look, the stitches that have held together the fabric of society are being stretched to their extreme, seconds away from breaking. Our trek through civilization has been circuitous, at one moment repressed until life reaches a turn that leads to freedom, only to revert once more towards oppressive propriety. There are many circumstances that lead to these moments and they are all tied to connecting with our humanity.

We are free when we accept who we are, but can easily be co-opted when a stray thought shackles us with belief. Oh no, there is nothing wrong with belief when it is tempered with hard-earned knowledge. The type of knowledge that is paid for through one’s own blood, sweat, and tears. The kind that rips off the rosy-colored glasses that skew our vision. Remember when you were a child and was told not to touch the flame? What did you do? You looked at the adult talking to you, and waited until they turned away for just a moment. And in that moment, you were confronted with the biggest temptation of your young life: accepting the warning or learning for yourself. Most of us touched the flame and writhed in painful agony while we were mindlessly scolded for our action. But even at that age, we knew that understanding came from personal experience.

As we got older, the need for personal experience was supplanted by rote learning. Schools, books, newspapers, sermons, seminars…all geared to take away that drive to understand. It made being an adult easier when the bad things kept repeating: job loss, divorce, loss of faith, incarceration, disease, and even death. There was no need to feel the emptiness that replaced a childhood full of wonder.

The skin of civilization is getting thinner and thinner because we fail to experience anything worthwhile. Excuses built upon decades of pressurizing guilt have stripped us of the ability to learn through experience. Those excuses come in the form of one-dimensional religions, blind laws, and false courtesies that masquerade as polite society. But humanity has little to do with a polite society because it is always made messy because of individuality that pokes hole in the fragile fabric.

We’ve grown whenever one of those infrequent fringe lessons steers civilization one step closer to responsible maturity. Those outliers were the stray threads that ruined the perfect lines of a false social masquerade. These martyrs are hunted to the edge of time by jackals that stood as the true false guardians of this masquerade. These false guardians are easy to spot simply because they all sound the same, look the same, and act despicably the same. Nothing is too much sacrifice when the good of polite society is at stake.

This polite society revolves in every avenue of our lives, and is too focused on propriety to notice that the foundations of civilizations aren’t as stable as they intended. And when cracks form, those who stand apart can finally get a chance to be heard. Protests may seem futile. Contacting your representatives may seem useless. Volunteering may not make a dent on the list of needs that keep growing. But every moment that sees one more person connecting, talking, and learning through experience, then one more layer thickens the skin of civilization. It creates a heartier protection that allows us to take another step forward towards a light that feeds the urge for real knowledge.

Keep feeding that urge for knowledge.


p.s. If you’ve been following the unveiling of global digital surveillance and the saga of Edward Snowden, then you’re probably feeling as angry as I am. So many countries have used his important act as a PR opportunity to tout their own superior thinking with seeming little thought to the circumstances of one lone man who must feel like he’s standing alone against the world.  It’s becoming disgusting to witness. This is the outer face that polite society is putting on as they uphold their own selfish goals. All I can think is what HORRID examples these leaders are, and how stupid we were in allow them on those pedestals. There are a lot of people who are enraged at these imposters who claim to be leaders. Check out Umair Haque’s latest to hear more.

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4th Of July

We have forgotten our roots and today is a good day to remember how America came into being. Our country was built upon the ultimate protest that split us from our former mother country. Any pride that we feel about our country, our armed forces, our democracy came from this action that is built upon many lost lives. Lives of people who believed in the foundation that is written into our founding documents. We’re now in a moment of time that is repeating what we fought in the late 1700s. Except this time it is happening from within.

If we want to feel any pride for our foundations of democracy, then we need to stand up for our belief that democracy is for ALL. This needs to happen more often, all across the country:

Public Gallery, Texas Abortion Protest, June 2013 (source: Guardian UK)











If we love truly our country, then we need to engage in protecting it from all who seek to harm our very foundation of existence. Those foundations have been weakened because they are built upon the past and have ignored the future. Countries like Brazil, Egypt, and Turkey are the latest in the global community that are reminding us of what a true democracy looks like. It’s not just about voting, or serving, or reciting a pledge of allegiance. It’s also about remembering that democracy is about a true collaboration that seeks to build, and not destroy. What is it going to take to remember what our ancestors did when they were in our shoes?

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Thought for the day: Bravery.

What images comes to mind when you think about bravery? This:

Presentation of Joint Colors (source: Wikipedia)











How about this unforgettable image?

Gandhi Salt March on March 12, 1930 (source: Wikipedia)











Or how about this historic event happening in Egypt right now?

Considering that we’re about to celebrate the American Independence Day, maybe we need to define what exactly we consider bravery to be. We’re used to heroes being bigger than life figures who fight the good fight against the heinous enemies. Heroes = GOOD. Enemies = BAD. But lately, the image of good and bad are being turned on their heads in very significant ways simply because heroes and enemies can no longer be easily depicted.

Our news tries to get us to rally at parades and public gatherings with little thought on dissecting where we’re at TODAY. Our actions of yesteryear cannot continue to control our ideas for tomorrow. Especially when so many people are suffering right now because of the selfish actions from those who are supposed to be our heroes. It’s clear that we continue to operate on an antiquated idea that bravery is all about machismo and fortitude. It needs to be about more than a depiction that’s straight out of a Hollywood script.

We forget that there are a lot of brave souls who are never recognized for their heroic and selfless efforts, because they choose to stay in the shadows. There have been many stories of people who wish to stand up for the greater good, sometimes at great risk to themselves. If we refuse to look at the long term consequences of their actions because they impact the norm that we consider acceptable, then we’re missing the new, better definition for bravery. One that doesn’t tout the individual action, but proudly discusses the positive opportunities that come from those who selflessly give so that we all have a better life.

So when we think about the 4th of July this year, we should really consider just what we are proud of. Nationalism, ideology, beliefs can be very powerful reasons for our actions and thoughts. But when they only benefit the few at the expense of…well, everyone else, then we are celebrating the wrong image of bravery. All brave actions should be respected and remembered. There are so few good, brave people left for us to look up to. We need more, especially in the form of those who choose to be leaders. If your beliefs are selfish and one-dimensional, then please, don’t apply to the position. We already have too many of you to remove from the crumbling pedestals that you place yourselves on.




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Magic Happens In Unlikely Places

Isn’t this magical?














This mural was commissioned by the Ustron Library in Poland and depicts the famous Long Room at Trinity College in Dublin. When the Ustron Library went through renovations in 2011, they decided to do the outside as well as in. Take a look at some more images from the Breaking News website that talks more about the planning that went into this masterpiece.

Magic really does happen in the most unlikely of places, but you’ll usually find it when you run into someone who still knows how important dreaming is. Would love to see this in person! And now I need to go back out there and find some more magical art being shared out there in the open.

– another Reddit find that lead to more investigation

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