Where Dreams Take Us

This image by Theirry Legault (2010) shows us where are dreams can take us:

The ISS transit across the moon in 2010 (photo credit: Theirry Legault)














That little flake you see near the center is the ISS as it streaks past our Moon. The shot was an incredible feat as the whole transit took half of a second! But those who are fascinated by space (the final frontier) saw whatever they dreamed about. I thought that I caught a glimpse of the Starship Enterprise for a moment.  And to think that the ISS is the precursor to all of our space explorations still to come.

And this is why having dreams can be so powerful. The imagination is ready to take you on a wondrous ride, but only if you are open to the experience. Are you?

– check out the ISS on Reddit. You’ll catch some great dreams!

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Learning From Experience

The one thing that you can say for the business world is that they do have experience. This video called Meals Per Hour is being sponsored by Toyota, who is offering to donate one meal to the New York Food Bank for every viewing that it gets. This is what people talk about when they speak of charitable efforts that can be done by large corporations. Instead of protecting their processes through IP (intellectual property), they have a chance of making a huge difference to start-ups who are still trying to understand how efficiency can improve anyone’s process.

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is one of the shining examples of how Kaizen has been the standard that most industries follow to assist in continued improvements that translate to bigger successes. When you complete repetitive work, you learn throughout the process so that you can:

  1. Define the work
  2. Turn it into photo stops
  3. List what each step requires
  4. Refine it to reduce waste and improve efficiency
  5. Rev it up towards a better process
  6. Rinse and repeat

As life incorporates the same need for steps in order to complete a day, we’re always looking for mechanisms that will help improve our quality of life. But quality of life isn’t just about improving a single process. It’s also about improving every aspect of ALL life. The one mistake that many make is to assume that measuring metrics is the only way to ensure success. Nothing in life is so simple that we can just live by numbers. Life is all about the messy emotions, thoughts, and experiences. None of these can be distilled to formulas. And that’s why we see so much failure in our current way of life. Until we learn to understand that the immeasurable also have an important place in formulas, we’re never going to get life right.

But at least we can use the experiences of work to better enhance how we complete certain repetitive tasks that bombard us on a daily basis. Just remember that there are people involved in those equations, and they aren’t made up of numbers.

Find out more about this brilliant partnership between experts who want to make the world just a little bit better than the day before: Meals Per Hour

– thanks for the find (once again), Reddit and for Henry & Rel for the video

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The Broken Bough




News everywhere tells us how broken our foundations are becoming. People speak of lost hope and despair at the stagnancy of our lives. We wonder how things will ever get better for ALL of us. Many times, we’re told to “just drop it, because nothing will change”. And yet every movement towards betterment in society was done by the few who ignored those who chose to stand still. Isn’t this current moment in our time just such a time where more of us need to ignore the accepted and look for ways to finally fix things?

I’ve been thinking heavily about this because I’ve spent the majority of my time trying to make things better from within the system. When you’ve heard your entire life that this is the most efficient way of perpetuating change, you tend to follow the advice of those who seem to know more about the system than you. Until you wake up one day and realize that, maybe just maybe, the system is now on autopilot and really doesn’t want our intelligence. It’s working for the system, so why would it want things to change?

When so many recognize that the broken bough cannot hold on in perpetuity, then it behooves us to look past the system and try working from other directions. Our education lights the way towards how we think things should behave. Without knowledge, we have to rely on others to tell us right from wrong. Just how comfortable would you be with someone telling you how you should act at all times? If you consider yourself to be an individual, then you’ll probably cringe at the thought. And this is where your brains come in. It points you to the information that you should be gathering so that you can use it to create alternatives that work better for you, and that could work better for many others. Education has to be on-going in order for us to recognize when change needs to happen.

Organizations in general require a blind trust that they are doing their best for you. But lately, there is news everywhere that is challenging the notion that they are benevolent and all-seeing. Just like the rest of us, they have personal needs, and those needs will override the collective because it needs to find a middle ground on which to operate. But when the middle ground continues to fail to include the outlying activities that refuse to fit the norm, then we need to look at the signals to understand what is failing. But we need to go past just seeing the failing, because we should also want to fix them. If you’re waiting for someone else to fix a bad situation, then you’ll probably be waiting in vain because others around you are doing the same thing.

When someone tells you that this is the way things have always been done, you should be asking them if the current times match the times when the actions were first developed. Times change so it would be almost impossible to think that the situation will stay the same as when the solution was created. Our creativity and ability to expand upon our knowledge is precisely the tools that we’re given to learn from life…and to improve.

We don’t have to accept that the broken bough is the only branch on which we can stand. There are a lot of branches around us waiting to take on the weight of lives. All of these branches lead to the trunk that will safely hold these branches together so that we have the ability to move from branch to branch as we need to fit where we should be. It’s about time that we find and build solutions where we’re standing, and not on the middle ground. Chances are, there will be others nearby who want to help build a viable alternative that is much better than status quo, so that a new middle ground can take root.

p.s. Check out Great Mind Quotes to see if you find some valuable words that will help you to understand and maybe even motivate.

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When Meaning Overrides

Talk about powerful imagery:













This image was shared on Reddit and it’s meaning is pretty obvious. If you want your brand to be trusted, then you need to incorporate meaning into everything that you do. When your meaning is diluted by an overplay of words, then trust becomes an issue. Words are easy to pollute. A twist of an adjective, or a powerful combination of words that bring up a hidden meaning, and you can pretty much turn anything into the best or the worst…depending on what you mean.

As a wordsmith, I tend to care about words that I combine. I know the power that words contain, and think carefully before I deploy a conversation. What I put out there is just my side of the conversation, and I really hope to get into more open two-way communications. Granted the blogging format does make it difficult since there are so many who want their words to supersede, obfuscate, or simply sell.

This is the problem that we have in our structured world. Too many organizations and institutions put too much stock into words. And the words that they use are typically so twisted that you have to dig deep and think hard to understand why they present the combination in the manner that they do. Case in point: Word of Law. This is probably the single-most dedicated grouping that seeks to complicate words, so we need to look beyond the words and follow their extended actions (track record) to understand their motive. Usually, the motive is selfish and limited. These are the types of words that shouldn’t carry exalted meaning. We need to change our reaction to them if we have any hope of change. Our world can be built on a much better foundation than this.

Sometimes, the powerless cannot win in a fight of words. In this case, actions tell a lot about a person. Take this, for instance (source):
















This is a new method of speaking without speaking. Actually, it’s not all that new because it’s been done by people for centuries. And it is still an effective way of getting your meaning across. Especially when the word game is fixed so that you can’t beat it.

So, if you are in the game of using words, think deeply about how you use them, because there will always be unintended consequences when you least expect it. It’s those consequences that the rest of us have to live with. When meaning overrides that of another’s, then it’s probably not a good course of action to follow. If you care.

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Example of Heart

Sharing Your Heart (photo credit: Rafiq Maqbool/AP)














Sometimes we need to look around us with eyes of innocence in order to be reminded of what is important. This beautiful image by Rafiq Maqbool/AP shows the unconditional love that children are so much more capable of sharing as compared to adults. Nothing should be more important in your day than having a heart.

– thanks for always finding the love Reddit and thanks to Times of India for sharing

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What Do Our Monuments Really Say?

This might be an imaginary statue from an imaginary world, but the world of imagination is firmly built upon realities:

Magic is Might statue, courtesy of Harry Potter Wikia















Does this statue talk to you? It did talk to me when I first saw it. It’s the physical manifestation of a creative mind trying to tell the viewers a story. What the story means to you is based upon your collections of experiences that create your life. All of our real world monuments tell personal stories that inspired the sculptor to create. But what do all of the monuments tell of the story of humanity? I don’t know about you, but I feel that there are not enough monuments that tell a truth, like the Magic is Might statue from the world of Harry Potter.

When people condemn stories because it butts heads with their values or ideologies, then they are admitting that they live in a closed world. Their world is more important to them then the collective of humanity that exists around them. We all affect one another, whether we like it or not. An open mind will see this as an opportunity to learn and grow, perhaps become even more vibrant than they thought they were capable of. We need more open-mindedness in a world that is being constricted by the straight-laces of propriety. When being proper is more important than being good, then we are ignoring what good really means. Good changes with circumstances.

Do we really want to live in a world that is made up of monuments? What do our monuments really say about us is something that we should be careful to consider. I would hate for our future to look at Las Vegas and assume that this is all we were made of back in 2013. Or worse, that we have become what the statue above says…

just saying…


p.s. on a secondary note, THIS is the value that creativity offers. The value to question ourselves, so that we do not fall from the path of light.

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Estas Makes Us Smile In Wonder

After the past few weeks (who am I kidding, it’s been way longer), we all can use a break. So, going into a rest period, here is Estas Tonne who is doing an amazing guitar piece called The Song of the Golden Dragon from back in 2011. When you talk about an emotional piece, this one definitely ranks up there at the top. Absolutely gorgeous sounds that frankly leave you spellbound. I hope that Estas is getting a lot of attention, because this is incredible. Brought me to tears.

Hope it makes your day!

– thanks again to Reddit for a much needed respite.

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The Standard You Accept

After perusing Salon, I came upon a video of Lt. Gen. David Morrision, Chief of Army, who is leading the investigation into inappropriate conducts (people being disrespectful antiquated a**holes) in the Australian Army. I have to say that I’ve never seen a military officer be so eloquent and so worth listening to in just over 3 minutes. Take a listen:


This man needs a global standing ovation. This is what leadership is supposed to look like. You should be pissed when someone is degrading your way of life. And yet we have too few examples of leaders who are up to the challenge in this manner. Heck, too few of any of us actually feel like this!

The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.”  – Lt. Gen. David Morrison

This brilliant speech is something that should be played across the world to all people. We have been told to report what you see by our security apparatus. Well, this standard should also be taught to every man, woman, and child regardless of age as it shows what being truly moral is all about. It’s not about commandments, laws, or policies. It’s simply about being a decent human being and respecting others as you wish to be respected. Nothing more, nothing less.

just saying…

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Don’t Go With Wrong






Never has a quote been so important as this one is when combined with our times. We are up against a whole slew of wrongs that are being perpetuated by those who are gaming the system. I’ve always wondered how others view the world, but maybe it’s more important to understand what those with different views intend to do with the world. I’ve seen a lot of courageous examples of ordinary people doing extraordinary acts of selflessness in the face of a system that is looking more and more inconsequential on a daily basis.

  • When words have more meaning than spirit (e.g. a law), then we have a BIG problem.
  • When a person who unearths harm done to another person ends up going to jail longer than the ones who actually inflicted the harm, then we have a BIG problem.
  • When people who shine a light on wrong-doing are hunted relentlessly by jackals of propriety, then we have a BIG problem.
  • When people are judged by their looks, instead of by who they are, then we have a BIG problem.
  • When too few have too much more than the too many, then we have a BIG problem.
  • When the innocent are looked upon as the guilty, then we have a BIG problem.
  • When too many care about too few, then we have a BIG problem.
  • But mostly, when too many choose to ignore or accept the bad and goes with it, because nothing will ever change, then we have the BIGGEST problem of all.

Exactly, what is it going to take for people to start doing things differently? When will those who actually want change expect to see that change happening, instead of festering in frustration because of an overabundance of apathy? To anyone who says that what’s the big deal, when people get upset at an injustice, then I and many like me say: The BIG deal is that it’s allowed to happen in the first place. We need to start questioning anything that is causing more harm than good. Nothing is meant to stay the same way forever. Especially a colossal failure of a system that nobody wants in the first place. Who cares if we have to rebuild. We need to rebuild because it’s the only way out of a situation in perpetual repetition of wrong.

Don’t go with the wrong, just because it’s all you know. That’s just taking the easy way out. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy to accomplish. THAT’s what make it worthwhile!

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Be Strong

Reminder of the day, brought to you by Piccsy, Ha! Tea ‘n’ Danger, and Bob Marley:


















When life gets tough, you need reminders of what it takes to get you through the flack. And who better than one of the most prolifically peaceful men, Bob Marley, who spent his life dealing with being strong in the face of a tough life. So, here’s a powerful reminder that the strength is indeed in you. It’s just waiting for you to call it into play.

p.s. Check out both Piccsy and Ha! Tea ‘n’ Danger to get some more reminders of the strengths that we all carry and the beauty that we need to focus on.

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