I’ve been following the developments in Turkey that was largely being ignored by the mainstream media until it just became too big to ignore. But this image and a video of a man being attacked by the police with water cannons (he died) is making me cry, and making me too angry to stay silent:

I used to write for the Urban Times and became embroiled in the political arena unintentionally because I see so much in this world that needs to change, and it needs to happen fast. I guess that being passionate about something is good, but it’s also exhausting. I stopped writing after a year because of many reasons, but underlying them all was that I was tearing myself up from the inside out. I want to help, like so many others, but the world of change is a daunting one, simply because so many want it to stay the same.
It’s incredibly sad that people around the world have had to rise up en masse to take on what is rapidly become a disaster caused by greed. Greed for money. Greed for power. Greed for stature. Greed for stuff. Greedy to take over and make the world in the image of megalomaniacs. There are so many in every walk of life. And these delusions of grandeur, propped by ever-changing sets of laws feeding the needs of the greed, are now being exposed at the hands of a justice that derives from the masses. Laws should never override morality.
That mass that is responding also has a name: Humanity. And the courage in the face of the increasing lawlessness showing its true face is forcing us to face a horror that most of us would never conceive to face in our lifetimes. The lawlessness doesn’t come from the protestors, who many of times have taken the peaceful route at their own peril. No, it comes from those who wear uniforms, suits, and even religious and legislative robes. Those at the top.
We shake our heads at the volatility that is the social media. But we have to also give thanks that images like these get out for the world to see, even when those leaders wish them to disappear, because of the social media. A lot of talk is happening, even in the US, about the freedom of the press, and their seeming disloyalty to the truth. We’ve come to realize that social media also has the power to replace the press in a new way, helped by each and every one of us. So, we use it to make statements that the press should have been making all along.
The funny thing about truth is that it always finds its way to the light. It may take decades, or longer, but justice eventually does get served. If not for those who suffered and sacrificed, then for those left behind to take up the cause of truth. And humanity.
My heart aches whenever news like this crops up. I can imagine that there are many of you out there who are just as tired of it all. It’s about time that humanity changes and grows up. The world doesn’t have to be this way.
It doesn’t…
…and to think, all of this started because of a shopping mall! Seriously, just how many shopping malls does the world need?
We need leaders who are not only more world-encompassing in their actions, but also better human beings.
p.s. Wishes of safety to all those In Turkey and around the world who are in harms way for doing the right thing.