Never Give Up

If you’re having a tough time and need some encouragement, why not give this guy a try?

After all, who wouldn’t want a Japanese fisherman yelling at you…reminding you that he’s even working hard in really cold waters.

Yeah, I’d listen to him. Really.

Arigato, Matsuoka Shuzo-san! Watashi mo ishokenmei gambarimasu!!!!


-thanks again, Reddit

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T-Mass Dances

So, I stumbled onto this video while visiting Reddit and absolutely fell in love with the song, Reason to Forgive, by T-Mass. But then I caught the 12-year old dancing genius, Alijah “POP-O” LeCour, who is part of the P.A.K CR3W and was just as blown away by his ultra-smooth moves…at 12, in case I hadn’t mentioned it before. The amount of talent that is coming out around the world is really a joy to behold and also one to share with others, because these people show what happens when you put love into what you do. The love of a craft that makes your creation so sublime, that others connect at a cellular level. One piece at a time, the world of artistic creativity is giving us back our hearts and soul.

Support the creative world and never let anyone say that art is not important, because they’re oh so very wrong!

Enjoy the start of your weekend with something amazing that will make you feel awesome. I’m going to find out more about both of these talents!

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Finding Courage To Live Life

I hope that everyone had a great weekend, and was able to remember those who allow us to live life as we want. And exactly how should that life be lived?





Those who have faced adversity seem to know much better than the rest of us that life is meant to be lived. Courage is needed to meet all of those trying moments, but it’s also a fundamental requirement to live a life that you can really love. Not others, just you. Being an individual is something that comes with a multitude of roadblocks, but none of them should carry meaning once your eyes slam open because you felt your heart pounding. Pounding. POUNDING for that one thing that clicked open your purpose. For some of us, it takes years to find what that purpose might be. For others, it seems like they were born with it already beating a tune within them. Whichever group you belong to, finding the courage to live life is something that we aren’t taught in a school lesson. This comes from the lessons of life. What we do with what we’re taught gives others a picture of who you really are.

Who are you, really?

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Yoonji’s Magical Dreams

What do mythical creatures dream of? Maybe of a day like this, in a magical place like this?

























Yoonji Hong is an illustrator at Eyedentity Games, where it’s clear that the magical world in which games live are alive and well in her own imagination. Her style revolves around the cutesy world of manga, but it also is firmly embedded in a luscious world of magical dreams. Take a look at her piece on Medusa. I’ll bet that you never equated this kind of beauty to a figure who typically inspires fear. This must be where mythology goes to rest? Doesn’t it tug at you? So gorgeous!

Check out her other works as well!

– thanks to Piccsy for the find

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Flight of Fancy









It seems like every city has a chalk contest, which is a lucky thing because they usually draw some incredible talent. Well, here’s a gorgeous flight of fancy by newcomer Chelsea Snyder, who thankfully shared on Reddit. Can you believe that this is her first real “pro” piece, though she says that she does this a lot around her home. With a talent like hers, she should create more. Absolutely beautiful!

p.s. I, like others, thought that it would make an amazing tattoo. Only to find that the original design was indeed a tattoo design by ~o LilSweets-o. It looks like Chelsea did indeed do this piece of street art justice, don’t you think (and yes, she got permission to recreate this).

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Something Looks Different

Japan is well-known for its quirky sense of humor. They definitely look at the world through different eyes, and that’s what makes so many of their tv shows so much fun to watch. When there are off-the-wall shows (especially from Japan), then you can bet that the Net (well, Reddit) will share the hilarity.

Take a look at Japanese Matrix Ping Pong. It takes a while (actually not all that long) to realize that the players are the only ones in the game. Look closely…something looks different. Enjoy this awesome take on ping pong as only a Japanese variety show can do it. : )

– thanks to Reddit and Kasou Taishou for the giggles

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Rudy’s Tat Lady















A weekly visit to Piccsy is a requirement, just to see what others find worth sharing. And this gorgeous image of a Tattoo Lady by Rudy Faber really peaked my curiosity to find out more about this illustrator who puts atmosphere into a simple look from his subject. Going to his site, I found a whole lot more fabulous waiting to be experienced. His story of his growth in illustrations leads to a treasure chest of imagery that combines the feel of the 20’s with the vibrancy of a paint shop explosion and a touch of the best emotions that you might see in from a silent film. What an amazing combination from the land of Netherlands which already has a long history of incredible artists who benefited from a rich artistic culture. Go check out more of Rudy’s work. It really captures you.

– thanks for another perfect share, Piccsy

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One Minute

Life is just busy, sometimes too much so. We forget that it’s important to experience moments and not just tick off a checklist. Here’s your reminder (found on Reddit):
















– just saying

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Ring The Bell

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

– Leonard Cohen

Listening to a conversation between Dr. Cornel West and INET Executive Director Robert Johnson, I heard the most beautiful quote from a song by Leonard Cohen which really strikes at what so many of us are trying to day in today’s increasingly silent world (on things that should count more). Songs have been the carriers of wisdom since we first learned to create them, and sometimes, the lyrics are so powerful that they will stand on their own outside of the context of its shell. These lines definitely fall into that category.

This isn’t going to be a long dissertation as I’m wont to do with powerful words. Just felt like contemplating how we could spread them even more than they already have. We need to.

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Magic In An Elevator

Newton Faulkner! Get to know this guy. I just found a video he made in an Amsterdam elevator of his song, Teardrop. I haven’t heard of him before, but his acoustic playing and singing really makes you catch your breath (so powerful). As a matter of fact, I had to catch a few more of his songs and…OMG…they are really incredible. How did I not hear of him before now??? He’s got talent radiating from him like eternal sunshine. Take a listen and see if you don’t want to hear more!

– seriously, thank you Reddit for sharing him!

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