Fitting In

When you’ve spent a major portion of your life floating away from everything familiar, it’s hard to find ways to fit in with your surroundings.









No matter how long it’s been since you’ve had the experience, you find that it’s always a part of you. Second nature to hold yourself back. Knowing that fitting in isn’t something that you’re used to. So, when the world around you expects you to fit in with the norm, well, it’s frustrating that others don’t understand your position. The pressure takes on a tangible weight that you can’t shake off. And it can be exhausting.

So, why do we fall into these expectations? Why do we have to fit in? As long as we’re comfortable with who we are, then why can’t others understand your position? Mutual respect should require that we all step back and see… really see what we’re each made up of. Understand the experiences that make us all unique. Understand that fitting in isn’t on everyone’s agenda. The only shape that we need to fit is the one that we’re most comfortable with. Anything else is just for the comfort of those others who expect conformance. Our wide open ocean that covers such a major portion of our planet, and the vast sky in which we inhabit, are daily reminders that we’ve got a lot of room to fit into. And the shapes that fit into this area can be as varied as can fit. Water, air…they’re able to fit around whatever shape they come into contact with. That’s comforting to remember when the pressure to fit in becomes overwhelming.

So hang in there. There are a lot of people who are in the same boat, believing that fitting in isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We’re seeing the fissures caused by the expectations to conform, and the people who are acting out of their own need to be their own person first.

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Ugh…Spring Forward

Yup, that favorite time of year (NOT) for those of us who value sleep…Daylight Savings. I feel like I’ve been walking around in a cloud all week. Actually, I feel something like this:










This could take awhile. Bear with me. : p

I hope you’re having better luck. Thanks again, Reddit, for letting us know that we’re not alone in that feeling. Ugh…Spring forward is not for night owls.

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What You Think…










Your mind is indeed one of your most powerful tools. If you keep it broad, then you have the universe at your beck and call. And if you don’t…well, the world can be a much tighter fit. Sometimes, circumstances can affect your mind adversely, no matter how hard you fight against the creep. So be careful of what you think, because your thoughts have a tendency of becoming reality by the resulting reactions. There will be days when it feels as though the doors are closing on you. Just remember that you can always draw a handle to pull it open when it closes. That’s the amazing ability of your mind. So imagine something great, and then…become.

And when things close in, don’t let them get you down because that’s a sure-fired way of darkening your thoughts. If you need, carry something around that can help brighten the shadows. You’d be surprised at how little it takes to brighten things up. You’ll know it’s the perfect pick-me-up when your soul quivers at the very sight of it. 😀

– beautiful reminder shared on Piccsy

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Standing Up For A Belief

I don’t know the whole context of the story leading up to this moment, but it is good to see a scientist telling it like it should be. Lately, the antiquated views that are growing around the world have been hard to swallow, much less tolerate. Lawrence Krauss was a participant in a debate between atheism and Islam, and had the unfortunate experience of dealing with gender segregation. It seems that he had been assured prior to the start of the event that there would be no segregation, so he decided to attend. Upon arrival, he saw that the segregation issue had not been addressed. And this is where this important moment captured by Dana Sondergaard highlights someone standing up for a belief…his belief.


















The fact that tolerance is becoming scarce in many parts of our lives is something that we should all be frightened of. And not only should we be frightened of the consequences of intolerance (just look through our history to see where it leads…it’s UGLY), but we should be standing up so that no one ever loses the ability to have their own belief. When beliefs become intolerant, then we lose the ability to respect one another because we are no longer seeing (and understanding) with clarity. That in this day and age we are still having to fight such ugliness shows that we still have a long way to go. That this came about during a debate on religious beliefs (or lack thereof, depending which side you’re on) is a sad testament that we seem to be backsliding all over the world.

This story is still unfolding as an investigation continues, though for now it seems that UCL is enforcing a ban on IERA for their actions.

If you saw this happening around you, how would you respond?

Read more about the story at the Guardian UK. Find as much as you can about both sides of the argument. That’s how we all learn from circumstances such as these, and gain a balanced view in the process.

– thank to Reddit for leading me to this important story

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Die Andersdenkenden (Aaron’s Law)

Aaron Swartz was a good friend of the Internet, but a great one of Larry Lessig. We’ve heard of Larry’s crusade to get corruption out of politics by cleaning up campaign financing. But his ideas and actions were quite close to the mission that drove Aaron to do the one act that would cost him everything…at the hands of the US government. This speech by Larry is one of the best (if not the best) that I’ve heard from him. He not only chose to celebrate Aaron’s life and work (which was much to short), but to give us all a challenge to live up to the path that Aaron had embarked upon for more than half of his life.

The title of this post is a German phrase that Larry had used: Die Andersdenkenden and it means those who think differently. We all know what this phrase means by associating it with the famous Apple commercial, and yet we now see the consequences of being one of those people when we look at the consequences suffered by those who choose this path. Aaron was one in a long line of living and departed free thinkers who decided that the hard path was the more worthwhile one.

Larry gave us four laws, but one in particular jumps out as the driving force behind the spirit of those who think differently: FIX obliviousness. So many choose to walk the straight and narrow, choosing to ignore the injustice that happens around us on a daily basis. Can we afford to continue to just let status quo continue? Look around. Better yet, check to see if it makes you feel ill. If it does, then you have your answer.

Aaron’s Law is not only a law being put forth by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (a staunch defender of our digital domain), but it’s also a reminder of how we need to live our lives once we’ve contemplated this talk.

How will you?

– thanks to BoingBoing, Larry Lessig, and most of all Aaron for making us not only think, but do

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Wolfgang’s Burnout











Colossal is sharing the work of Wolfgang Stiller that really portrays what 2013 is feeling like to so many of us (especially me). The artist manages to take some Chinese head molds and create a most appropriate conversation about burnout. I can’t think of a better statement about how so many of us live than the image above. It makes you think, doesn’t it? Do we want to be a used up matchstick person who is so disposable? Does the burn make us wake up and take stock of our situation? Wouldn’t we want to be a glowing flame that brightens us with its source of light instead of the charred remains of a forgotten aftermath? If you’re in Zurich, go take a look at the Wolfgang’s show at the Python Gallery. It’s open from March 8 through April 20, 2013. Then go check out Wolfgang’s site to see more of his thought-provoking work. Absolutely brilliant!

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A Complex Piece Of Writing…Us















A lucky Redditor managed to get his hands on a very complex piece of writing. What could it possibly be, you ask? Perhaps it’s a music score? Nope. How about a science book. Now, you’re getting warm. Here it is: a book from the Human Genome Project that is uncovering the writing of DNA that make up…Us. Human beings written in the most basic code, describing everything there is about us. Check out more at their website where you can get access to the e-book for your reading pleasure. Or you’re curiosity if your wondering what our code looks like. Pretty amazing thing that science gives us. Knowing a little bit more about the universe within us so that we can get a clearer picture of the universe around us. Incredible!

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Really, Really Loves You

So, online dating has been taken up a notch with a most adorable video love song I’ve ever seen and heard. Though it was a thesis project on viral videos using chat roulette as the theme, it still hits all of the right notes with us. Take a listen. Feel your heart beat in tune. Beautiful.

– thanks again to Reddit for this moment of sweetness (and the original post)

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Put Our Minds To It

Well, civilians in space have taken another amazing step forward with the second docking of the Dragon spacecraft with the ISS on March 3, 2013. They are bringing supplies to the space station, as they were awarded the contract for 12 such missions back in 2008. This company of space enthusiasts, with their founder Elon Musk, have been proving that just about anything is within reach if we just put our minds to it. Check out the video of their second successful docking, and then go check out what else their up to at their site.

And just remember, this is all being done by people just like you and me. Well, and a whole lot of soaring imagination. Congrats once again to the SpaceX team and NASA.

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The Sounds of Space – NASA

We all know that our senses build upon one another until we are immersed in the picture of life that surrounds us. They say that space is a cold place, and yet its mystery uses our senses in order to build our understanding of the universe around us. The study of space comes in many different forms and yet most of us would not equate sounds to be of particular excitement in the vacuum of outer space. NASA once again captures our senses with this amazing compilation of sounds coming from the many planets in our solar system, including our own. Close your eyes and see if the sounds agree with the mesmerizing images that come from the space exploration that helps us all learn. Now, we have the haunting sounds that create a deeper layer on the visual images that have defined planets in the past.

A beautiful planetary harmony like no other!

Hear more at and thanks to Reddit for this soul-stirring share

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