The fight for copyright has entered a new era now that the Copyright Alert System (CAS) is officially live. All of the fights that we endured in standing up to SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, as well as various global free trade agreements, have barely prepared us now that we’re facing a bigger threat from a consortium of copyright owners. What is touted as an educational tool on the “importance” of copyright actually does little to shed real light on the flaws of the existing global copyright system that most economic giants place upon a crumbling pedestal.
Whether you’re an original creator, or a seeker of knowledge to be free (not just in the economic sense), you will have a side that you stand with. But this is no longer about that fight, because the discussion has now been shut down with an agreement between the government and copyright holders who are only interested in the monetary and control values of their positions. And where is the user in this process? Well, they definitely were never invited to the negotiations table as these laws and agreements continue to be agreed upon outside of their domain, under non-transparent proceedings. Just look at how the copyright legislations in 2012 were handled if you doubt the claim of non-transparency.
Here’s some details on what you’ll need to know about the CAS aka “Six Strikes”:
If you disagree with these measures put in place by ISPs (yes, companies in agreement with the government), then you might want to sign DemandProgress’ protest. And if you’re like me and just tired of endless protesting (which is still very necessary) and want to do more, well, start reaching out on your own to organizations like the ones I mentioned above (there’s a lot more) as well as to your congressmen. Just keep speaking out and make your voice heard. That’s what democracy is supposed to be about, and what many are fighting for around the world.
p.s. CAS is not the only threat we’re facing as CISPA has once again bared its teeth to us.