
Ido Portal has an amazing message on his love of movement that really understands the human motivation behind sports. This video shows his amazing dexterity that is simply beautiful to watch. Poetry in motion comes to mind as you watch Ido move. And what wonderful motion it is. How he must feel as he mixes so many different disciplines into one that shines a light on them all. Connection…something we all know how to do. This moves it up another notch, don’t you think?

Watch more of Ido on his YouTube channel


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Know About…







The fight for copyright has entered a new era now that the Copyright Alert System (CAS) is officially live. All of the fights that we endured in standing up to SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, as well as various global free trade agreements, have barely prepared us now that we’re facing a bigger threat from a consortium of copyright owners. What is touted as an educational tool on the “importance” of copyright actually does little to shed real light on the flaws of the existing global copyright system that most economic giants place upon a crumbling pedestal.

Whether you’re an original creator, or a seeker of knowledge to be free (not just in the economic sense), you will have a side that you stand with. But this is no longer about that fight, because the discussion has now been shut down with an agreement between the government and copyright holders who are only interested in the monetary and control values of their positions. And where is the user in this process? Well, they definitely were never invited to the negotiations table as these laws and agreements continue to be agreed upon outside of their domain, under non-transparent proceedings. Just look at how the copyright legislations in 2012 were handled if you doubt the claim of non-transparency.

Here’s some details on what you’ll need to know about the CAS aka “Six Strikes”:

If you disagree with these measures put in place by ISPs (yes, companies in agreement with the government), then you might want to sign DemandProgress’ protest. And if you’re like me and just tired of endless protesting (which is still very necessary) and want to do more, well, start reaching out on your own to organizations like the ones I mentioned above (there’s a lot more) as well as to your congressmen. Just keep speaking out and make your voice heard. That’s what democracy is supposed to be about, and what many are fighting for around the world.

p.s. CAS is not the only threat we’re facing as CISPA has once again bared its teeth to us.

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How To Be Human

Going through Reddit, I stumbled upon this video of an Occupy protest that actually shows the true importance of what they’re doing. In London, protesters stopped to talk to a homeless man and help him in a small way. While I was a bit uncomfortable at all of them taking pictures with him, I loved the message of the first guy who made an important point:

“If you don’t talk to this guy or you don’t give him no money, than none of this means nothing to you.”

Seeing more and more people suffering out in the open, it’s really important that we acknowledge their existence in any way that you can. Sure, we’re all (well, most of us) are going through tough times right now, but these unseen people literally go unacknowledged by a large portion of passerbys and that is not right. Yes, you could go broke helping everyone out there, but it’s not only about the money. Sometimes, it’s the simple acknowledgement that they matter in this hard world that we’re all trying to make a little better. After all, our lives are also about how to be human, so that you are moving your soul.

Just saying…

-thanks to tiggersmith1992 for sharing this heart-wrenching video

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Science Tracks

We all know what science does for us on a daily basis. Everything that we use came from the minds of people who fervently want to understand the universe around them.










So, it’s pretty amazing when a group of scientists have already gotten busy researching the data to find the origins of the Chelyabinsk meteor that hit Russia on February 15, 2013. I just read this BBC article linking to the research completed by Jorge Zuluaga and Ignacio Ferrin. They’ve discovered that it is part of a known class of Apollo asteroids and have provided a path it took around our solar system.

Needless to say, it’s amazing to think that the tools we’ve created are capable of understanding such complex actions that go on in our universe. Science tracks not only our history on our planet, but the entire history of the universe around us so that we can better understand our place within.

Today would be a great day to go out and see what else science does for you. Maybe you’ll discover the next budding scientist hard at work on a new discovery that will change life as we know it. It happens…everyday.

– thanks Reddit for this incredible discovery

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Be Yourself

Thought for the day: Be yourself because it’s what is unique about you. This amazing reminder from E.E. Cummings just might give you some motivation to be true to yourself. It’s a fight that we are involved in on a daily basis, and it’ll show the real truth about how dedicated you are to being the YOU that you want to be – not what others expect you to be.
















-thanks to Piccsy for the soul hug

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Talking About A Problem

As a writer, it’s probably one of the biggest drivers of my internal conversation: this need to talk about a problem. When I first started into the foray of becoming a social writer and found a public digital venue in which to hold these conversations, I was besides myself with excitement. But it was short-lived, because I found that those of us who do want these tempestuous public discussions are told that there are constraints on the methods. Wouldn’t you find it frustrating if you’ve been observing a situation and found that you wanted to share your insights to see if your ideas were feasible or completely off base? But it seems that in order to do so, we all have to admit that there is an identifiable problem. Not such an easy task – getting billions of people to agree.

I’ve been spending my recent time going over many of Richard Wolff‘s books on the dangers that are inherent in capitalism that most of us are told not to speak about. Any time you say something that goes against the norm, you can be sure that you will be insulted by others who are vehement in their protection of status quo. Even when it continues to prove itself to be hazardous to so many’s health.

Professor Wolff spoke with Bill Moyers and mentioned a comment that boils down my need to have a discussion before providing alternate solutions:

So I guess I’m a little bit like one of those folks in the 12-step programs. Before you can solve a problem, you have to admit you got one. And before we’re going to fix an economic system that’s working this way, and producing such tensions and inequalities and strains on our community, we have to face the real scope of the problem we have. And that’s with the system as a whole and at the very least, we have to open up a national debate about it. And at the most, I think we have to think long and hard about alternative systems that might work better for us.

Continue reading

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Sheer Awesomeness

So, sometimes TV shows help to uncover some amazing people, this particular episode being one such example. A guy by the name of Dominic Giamo gave all of us a lesson in open-heartedness that we should each embrace. He follows his beliefs in mental alchemy, and it’s clearly left him with the ability to love without condition. He’s a great example of what human kindness is capable of producing. I seriously hope that he always has good things return to him threefold. What an amazing guy that should be recognized for his sheer awesomeness. This part of the show will leave you with a smile on your face.

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Scott The One Man Accordion Wonder

Scott Dunbar, One Man Band, needs to get more coverage. This one man wonder playing the accordion puts soul into an instrument that doesn’t always get equated to having soul…no matter how long it’s been around. I stumbled onto this talented guy on Reddit and am really glad that such a unique player is getting coverage. If you happen to be in Canada, try to go find this guy. He really sounds like he could put some awesome rhythm into your day!

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Learning From Nature – Again

Colossal had an interesting photo series about a bird called the Sociable Weaver Bird. I’d never heard of them so I went searching and found this short clip from the BBC talking about the magnificent communal efforts in creating a home for more than one type of bird. There is a lot that we can learn from nature. It’s a reminder that collaborating is also a means of survival for many species.

Read more about them on San Diego Zoo’s website.

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You Don’t Have To Fit In

This awesome video was on Reddit, and it really says a lot about one’s individuality. Simply, you don’t have to fit in. You just have to do what you feel fits. But just be ready to take any consequences that come with this thought process.

I’m in!

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