Nico’s Phenomenal Lines



















Colossal has found an amazing illustrator, Nicolas Delort, whose ink and scratchboard art just makes you stare. His artwork has a similar feel of the great masters like Harry Clarke who managed to capture the mood of their subject through shading and movement of the simple line. Honestly, making something feel so alive with the colors black and white is something of a feat in my book, but Nico seems to have no problems in creating magic from layers of textures. Go check out his site and then join me in hoping that he produces a physical sketchbook to touch and peruse, because I could stare at his work for hours. Another master in the making! 😀

– thanks to Colossal for getting my jaw to hit the floor with Nico’s work

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A Car’s New Life














All of the products that we use in our lives have short life spans of their own, constantly being replaced by newer and better. So, what happens to the old ones? Why not give them a new life in an unexpected way? Superheroes are loved by all, in all of their incarnations, so why not create your very own hero by recycling the old with the new. It solves so many issues, including reducing trash that taints our precious home? If you see one you like, then either go find this guy in Windsor, or make one with your own things already in your life. Either way, it’s a win-win!

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I Want…

Ha ha, I’m not a gamer (no time, unfortunately), but this video forwarded by Reddit still resounds with me because this is how I tend to work. Visualizations in my head tend to rank up there with the style of William the Conqueror when I’m working on a project. Well, make that multiple projects because I never can focus on just one thing. Ok…I’m settled on my writing and, oh look, that image is just all wrong. Yes, this is how the page should look, and oh wow, what’s with that hole in the middle of the box. Hmmph, it’s not what I thought it was going to be…so there!

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Working Together

We can take in many lessons from music, and this video with Bobby McFerrin and the crowd shows what working together…collaborating…is all about. Listen to the way that the maestro tells his collaborators what he envisions, and then lets it come alive freely amongst all participants. This is the nature of collaboration: the freedom of the association and what that freedom allows to come into being.

As we look around our world over the past year, we’ve seen many examples of collaboration coming to life because of the digital world. We’re in a struggle between what we’ve been used to and what is possible. Will we allow standards to rule our future, or will we be able to use them as bridges to move into what is inspiring about trekking into unknown territories? Or in other words, will we continue to let our fears let stand barriers that can sometimes stop true progress. Progress isn’t always physical. Many times it is overcoming emotional breaks.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this after reading about Ken Ilgunas‘s  trek to follow the Keystone XL pipeline. It truly reads as a great learning lesson not only for seeing past the status quo, but of seeing what comes from collaboration. If you read about the families and friends who are joining together to not only learn about the truths (as close as we can get), then you get the sense that we really are not as splintered as we feel. All around us, people are joining hands and minds to create a future that is being built upon the best of our past.

And all of these actions stem from one thought that many share:




This is where our real emotions can help prompt us to the right actions, so that this quote becomes a thing of the past. Because one want should never overcome another’s need.

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Matthew Creates His Worlds

After stumbling onto a beautiful ocean view in Reddit, I clicked through to Flickr and found out that this image was made from scratch by the incredibly talented Matthew Albanese. This photographer decided to build these incredible dioramas from his extremely curious mind, and did them with ordinary materials that you would have never thought could be used with such immensity. Steel wool for a tornado, Paprika for a Mars diorama, and so many more seemingly-mundane products have been turned into Strange Worlds.

Read more about his exhibition on Behance, and support him by getting his book if you’re interested in the world of set modeling. Amazing, amazing inspiration – create the world that you want…literally.

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Guitar Bass of Bliss

Stephen Campbell has a way with a guitar’s bass, and its tone is purely mesmerizing. Do yourself a favor and simply close your eyes as you listen to this incredible creation. You can see the images cascading inside your head, as though all of the perfect moments of your life are flowing by you at the speed of sound. You will hear the colors of the rainbow in this piece. You may even soar among the stars. It really is that gorgeous of a sound. This is what a person who loves what they do can create. And it inspires others around to stretch themselves out to see what they can come up with. ENJOY!

Reddit with another brilliant share

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Fly Closer To The Sun

The ever prolific Seth Godin is back with a new concept that should make you tingle with excitement, if you’re into walking onto that new fork in the road. His new book, The Icarus Deception, is taking the alternative that the Internet created and launching another new way to connect with one another. Watch the video to hear about this clever method to share your work with the world. We’re all looking for the opportunity to finally take those first steps towards our dreams. And it looks like the Internet (and Seth) are providing yet another way to help us along. Check out those who’ve already started down the path by clicking on the link below.

See your connection come to life on Fly Closer To The Sun. For those who are ready…

– a great story presented by Boing Boing

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NASA’s New Grail

For most of us who love space and flying, this is the kind of present that shows why we love NASA and its missions. Here’s a short ride that the vast majority of us will never experience in our life times, and its because of NASA that we’re able to gain such experiences. NASA-JPL continues to provide us with starry dreams that launches another passionate soul into a path of work (if it can be called that) that keeps us all inspired. So, sit back and enjoy this all to short video from NASA’s GRAIL mission as the probe flew over the Moon’s North Pole one last time before it ended its mission in the most permanent way possible.

– thanks to Fastcoexist and Wired for this incredible share (and for NASA for keeping the dreams alive)

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School Of Hard Knocks

You know that you want to try something you never did before. You’re hesitant to go any further, so you look to someone with more experience for support.

Ok, maybe that wasn’t the right source of support (OMG, I can’t stop laughing at the sound effects).

– thanks Reddit (I know, who else)

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So, I guess that this has been a thing in different pasts of Sweden (this is from Lappis) for a while (possibly since the 70s). From the background I’ve found, this happens nightly at 10:00 pm, and is a way for the students of the area to release their inner wolves (and frustrations). I’ve got to say that I’m kind of liking this tradition. Just think how awesome it must feel afterwards, with all of that stress released.

Check out the Flogsta screams (like this one) as this seems to be the original start of the tradition. This seems like an appropriate start to the week, doesn’t it? ; )

– found through…yup, Reddit (wish I’d heard about this one much sooner)

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