5 Parts With 1

So, I stumbled on a pretty incredible cover of Hold Me Down by Handsomely Dishonest (AuxSableRecords). Now covers are something that we all know and love. But how many cover bands are made up of 1 guy playing all of the instruments for the song to come to life? If you want to see what I mean, then watch the video. And watch until the end to see who’s the real talent. This is what inspiration looks and sounds like! What an incredible video, Kevin.

And don’t forget to check out the entire indie rock band that makes up Handsomely Dishonest at their site.

– Awesome share, Reddit

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Hairy Lizard










It’s the end of the week and Reddit is making me feel whimsical. So for your enjoyment, meet the hairy lizard. The title “Don’t get drunk with your barber friends” led to quite a few examples of this creature that very few have ever seen. Obviously, that’s weird considering that its natural habitat seems to be on TOP of human heads. But, you do have to admit that they are quite cute and some can definitely be quite colorful characters. If you run into one, approach it with the appropriate “AWWWW” that is deserves. 😀

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Remembrance – January 18th











Today is a day of remembrance for not only the Internet, but also all of the heroes who have made a difference with and because of it. There are so many to list, and some are no longer with us or are in harms way. They have gone up against Goliath and been trampled, even though they had the strength and courage of a thousand or more.

Men like Aaron Swartz, who is now being remembered because tragedy once again doused a flame that had burned so bright. They fought the “good fight” – if there is even such a thing anymore. It’s not so easy to visualize, when the definition of good and bad have been so wrongly skewed.  Where legal means little because moral has no part in it. And where the Golden Rule seems to be little more than feel good words that too few take to heart any longer.

Last year, the Internet stood up for itself against some adversaries who were and are greedily determined to claim it as their own. But those who live and breath the Internet knows that it belongs to everyone and no one. And that’s just as it should be. It’s a land where voices are numerous, sharing is encouraged, and everyone belongs. No matter what you have to say, you have a platform to be heard…as long as you’re prepared to discuss and respect other points of view (which is hard, I know). Perhaps we all defend it because we feel that this is the last frontier that we can protect. Look at what the others have become through greed, deceit, dishonor, and distrust.

We need to use today, January 18th, as a day of remembrance. To remember the heroes like Aaron who believed in social justice. And many more like him who gave up their most precious treasures so that the world could take a step in the right direction once again. A direction that embraces equality, openness, sharing, caring, fairness, and all of the other qualities that we look for in the real “good”. And then we need to take a step into each new day and live it in a way that gives some sense of meaning to those who are lost to us, because the world has become a little darker without them.


p.s. I only knew a little of Aaron’s history, and yet still feel the hole he’s left behind. Condolences to all who knew and loved him. We lose too many good people too soon.

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Thought For The Day: Who we are





Sometimes we need some meaningful words to remind us of what we’re searching for. The daily grind of life can force us to step of the path that we want to embark on. These words by Martha Grimes help remind me of what it is that I am reaching for. Even if my dreams go into temporary hibernation, they are still alive because I make them so. EVERYDAY with every word and action that I take.

What I did last year was what I needed to do to prepare for the start of my new journey. It’s one that’s been a long time coming, though it has been patiently been waiting for me to wake up to it. I’m a little like Rip Van Winkle who is slowly waking up to the reality that I choose… the world I want to create. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, but it will be worthwhile when we reach each milestone.

Start with a small dream first, then keep building up into successively larger ones. You’ll meet people along the way who will help, or just accompany you for a small part of the journey. But your journey, added to the journey of other dreamers is what makes this world come alive.

We’re not meant to be living a life by sleep-walking through it. We’re meant to live it to the fullest of our abilities. And our abilities should grow as we grow from each new experience that changes us. It’s the changes that make us three-dimensional. It’s the changes that make us keep growing, along with the world around us.

thanks to Great Minds Quotes for the past few days of thoughts and necessary reminders

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A Citizen of the World





My fellow Twitter traveler (and worldly citizen), Brian, forwarded this brilliant quote by Socrates which defines what so many people feel. We don’t just belong to the nation of our birth. Our stories are never quite so simplistic, because we ourselves are creatures of depth and breadth. Look into our pasts and you will see that we cannot fit into a simply worded label. I am an American is not quite right, because I’m also Japanese, British, Scottish, French and Irish. And there’s probably even more if I were to delve even deeper into my family tree. We humans have migrated around the world on so many different occasions for so many reasons.  Sometimes we place down roots, but invariably we find them to be shallow ones for we know that we are born to wander. We are inquisitive and want to see the world in its entirety. No one stays in one place forever. Even if they only travel inside of their town…they travel.

I am a citizen of the world and I want us all to grasp that meaning. It will lead to all of us caring much deeper for the world around us, whether it be on land, in the water, or floating in the sky and stars. This world gave birth to each and every one of us. Our families are our ties that bind us to the world at large, so that we can uphold our place in this vast universe through this link of belonging.

We’re all trying to figure out what our place actually means. Just know that it does have meaning that only we can give it. So perhaps we should make it the best that we’re capable of exhibiting?

Just saying…


Keep up the good fight, Brian. Our world is worth it!

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Ad Becomes Real?


















Kraken Rum has an incredible imagination, and this billboard shows what happens when you let imagination become reality. Sure, we see billboards all around us, but when do we see parts of it become 3D? Not nearly as often as they should. I’m not a drinker, so I have no idea what this rum tastes like. But, boy, do I like how they dream.

– once again, Reddit (I know, I know, I’m becoming addicted)

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Gorgeous Graphic Novel, Krishna















If you haven’t seen this graphic novel yet, then go out and get it. I stumbled on it in Previews and knew that I had to get it from what I saw of it. But nothing prepared me for the sheer glorious gorgeousness of this graphic novel, Krishna – A Journey Within, by phenomenal artist, Abhishek Singh. This is the same artist who presented us with Kali and Ramayana 3392 B.C. And this time we get to travel on a breathtaking journey with the one of the most revered of names, Krishna. Page after mind-blowing page that takes you into a world that we all wish that we could be part of. Amazingly enough, this book was a 4-year labor of love, and each stroke of color enhances the depth of character on display in Abhishek’s creations. Get this book. Get all of his work. They’re really treasures in their own right. As is their creator.


Now, excuse me as I go immerse myself back into this novel…

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It’s (a) Cold












It’s been awhile, and I hope that everyone is enjoying the new year so far. I’d like to say that I’m having fun during this unplanned downtime, but I’m fighting some kind of bug that is toying with me. Good one day, cold the next…sneeze and repeat. So in the meantime, enjoy this snowy Totoro who is clearly cold in Finland. Now that’s a good reason why snow makes me happy.

– thanks to Reddit for the share

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Beware The Zap

This is the perfect video to end our first work week of the new year, as well as an introduction to a series of what NOT to do if you’re working with electronics. For all of you who do this for a living, enjoy a chuckle and perhaps even send poor Mehdi (he’s gone through a lot more mishaps than this one) a get well card and an ESD strap before he really hurts himself (wow, he’s a good teacher).

…sorry, but I’m still laughing…

– and thanks to Reddit for this hilarious start for the weekend

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Not Ready For Serious…This Works

I don’t know about you, but I’m starting out on a slow pace this week. It’s really hard to get out of holiday rest mode, but I’ve found the perfect antidote when you’re not ready for serious. PIOK by Theo Dusapin and ClĂ©ment Dartigues of ECV Aquitaine really sets the perfect stage for that slow as molasses feeling that I’m trying to overcome. It’s a cute short that proves that you can’t judge a book by its cover (or in this case, brain mass). Ha ha – this is an absolutely hilarious video that works on so many levels, including putting a smile on your face as you re-enter the daily grind. Enjoy it! I know that I did.

– and thanks to Vimeo for the pick 😀

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