Fantasia by Yuko

If you haven’t checked out Cuded lately, then you might want to check out their amazing collection by Yuko Rabbit. She did this incredible digital painting as part of a international collaboration for Termite Bianca that was run by Lucca Comics. Needless to say, this style doesn’t seem possible digitally and yet Yuko proves that nothing is impossible if you’re applying your talent to it. And the best way to get to know a creative talent is to peek into their thoughts and inspirations. To get to know Yuko, check out her blog to see what she’s creating, or what is firing up her imagination. If this is her imagination in full bloom, then we’re in for a treat as we follow her. Absolutely breathtaking!

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So….We’re Back…

So…we’re back…

Predictions for 12/21/12 went something like this (from Nightsky on Guardian UK – cute blog despite the topic):










Instead we were greeted with this:


Ok, kidding…I still haven’t seen such a friendly forest, no matter how sweet that would be (still love this spot, Fedex).  Maybe we just need…PIXIE DUST!!!!

Anyways, welcome back to…This Is Your Life (now continuing)

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This is something that is usually beyond me. Stillness, that is…











With the crazy roller coaster ride we call life, there is rarely any opportunity to experience it. And yet, nature has a way of forcing us to confront something approaching stillness when it interacts with us in the form of weather. So Cal has been experiencing a cold and wet week leading up to Christmas, and I found that I actually welcomed the rain as it fell upon our breakneck-speed world. It did the one that that I haven’t managed for months – I slowed down. And once I slowed down, I noticed some beautiful things that lay in waiting to catch my senses:

  • A beautiful bush with the sunniest of leaves and fruits that shone its brilliance into the darkened atmosphere
  • The vibrant colors of fall reaching their zenith and leaving trails on the sparkling white sidewalks
  • Vines of such luscious hues cascading over brick walls in a chiaroscuro melody
  • The silence that accompanies the downpour as it cleanses the day
  • The softness of the rain as it slid against my skin
  • The connection that I created with nature as I welcomed its beauty into a soul that was running on empty
  • Breath – I finally released it and inhaled the cleansed renewal

As we move towards the holidays and finally get a chance to slow down, take the opportunity to open yourself to your surroundings. Live in the moment. You’ll know when the moment comes alive because your senses will feel full and alive. It will make everything sharp. It’s a wonderful feeling that we all need to embrace more.

Slow down

– thanks for the gorgeous image, Piccsy

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Guy Is Back!

Guy Denning has been on my radar ever since I found him through the Occupy movement. So whenever I see a sketch that I’ve never seen being shared, then I also have to shine a light on it.  Colossal just shared some new-ish pencil renderings from his daily sketches offerings. Here are a couple of my favorites from his 2012 sketches that caught my eye. I’ll bet you’ve never seen such perfect symmetry between black and white. Definitely go check out his sites to see what’s on his mind. There’s just something about his usage of chalk on paper that proves that even that dusty little stick has a lot of power in it, when it’s used by a major talent – like Guy.

In a perfect world by Guy Denning (February 2012)

















Waiting in line for the endless white crosses on simpering greens by Guy Denning (August 2012)

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Ode To Joy

When we hear of flash mobs, they’re usually with people dancing or doing other antics. Well, this flash mob, Som Sadabell, is in a different league in that it is made up of orchestral talents from the Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès and Chorus of 60 singers from the Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell, Coral Belles Arts and Cor Lieder Camera. What starts out as one little girl paying for a piece from a cello opens into a richness that one doesn’t expect in a town center. Music really does bring color into our lives, enriching us with an opportunity to get in touch with your soul. Absolutely gorgeous piece that brings tears to your eyes.

Bravo, Som Sadabell! This really is an Ode To Joy.

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Human Nature, Or…








So, like any blogger, I get my share of comments that are sometimes impossible to distinguish between spam (and I do read and check out every comment) and sincerity. But one particular comment caught my attention as it was asking about the one thing that I still question:  How do you deal with all of the spam? And honestly, there really doesn’t seem to be very many good answers (Akismet can only help so far) as I’ve seen some of the largest sites (with lots of money backing them) encountering the same thing that I am. So, perhaps we should be asking just why spamming actually happens?

Well, human nature is driven by some very basic needs that we try to assuage on a daily basis. The image above seems to be the biggest focus in society today, driving us to do things that might normally never be contemplated. Desperation can be a very troublesome bedfellow, and lead to behaviors that degenerate the human condition. We’re not only people pursuing material treasures. We’re also people driven to connect. We are social animals that thrive when we are in touch with others. There is no one out there who doesn’t need someone, even if they’re nothing like us.

So, yes, spamming has become a problem proliferating throughout the Internet, and we can trace the route cause to the way in which we value those pieces of paper with numbers written across them. We’ve been told a line that having money will bring you contentment, if not happiness. But where do we draw the line in pursuing human behaviors that negatively impact the need to connect? Comments are special when they are uniquely directed because you were moved by the content you experienced. But spammers have turned this positive experience into some sort of cottage business with no thought to the damage that they do to the personal relationship aspect of communication. Like many other bloggers state, it’s bothersome that businesses choose to pay out minuscule amounts of payment for empty words that detract from every blog they touch, turning these blogs into bogs of wordy commercialism.

We all need to make a living, but there has to be a line that we each refuse to cross in order to be able to respect ourselves. There should be some things in life that can’t have a price placed on them. Blogs such as this one exist because their creators have things that they wish to share with the world. Yes, SHARE, as in with no demand for a return – monetary or otherwise. All that I hope to share is the joy that creativity and inspiration can bring into our lives. If you like my writing, and we start an open conversation, then I’m doing things right!

So, next time you leave a comment on any online comment section or forum, think about the reaction of that person when he/she receives your words. If they’re heartfelt, then THANK YOU (or sorry if I say something wrong)! But if you’re trying to make a few bucks typing empty words, well, I hope that you’re comfortable with your actions.

Just saying…

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A Teacher’s Bye

People are always ranting about the ineptitude of teachers with very little thought that the system is the bigger issue. Looking around everywhere, we think that we have a super-functioning society, and yet we’re failing to notice that it is falling apart at the seams. So, it’s sad when you hear teacher after amazing teacher walking away from their life-long passion of teaching because our system thinks it should be run as a business.

Well, even businesses need to be run less as a business, if this year’s events around the world are testament. Schooling is about building a passion for learning. Those who choose to embrace the magic of knowledge understand that this passion will never go out because there is so much to learn about our lives, our world, and our universe. And we need more educators that want to light a spark under each willing student.

Reddit posted this resignation of a RI educator who has finally had enough of our system. He only wants to teach his students that learning can be fun if it’s done correctly. Yet, it’s clear that the system is all about hitting numbers and statistics, with little care that the process is an integral part of being human. We should probably take these resignations and departures seriously, as our statistics are showing us. Those school systems who provide teachers with the ability to freely train minds young and old that it’s our natural state to be curious, and to feed that curiosity with knowledge. Because each new discovery leads to newer creations that take us one step further into understanding the world around us. It’s a large universe and our minds are yearning to understand it.

Good luck to this teacher, and thank him for standing up for what education needs to be about. These are the kinds of teachers that we need to support and create a thriving classroom that students will want to be a part of. It’s a shame that his school did not recognize the truth in his words. What are we becoming?

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Harry Potter In Sweden


















For all you Harry Potter fans, Reddit just shared some book covers illustrated by Alvaro Tapia. This got me a little curious about international book covers for Harry Potter, since you know that the art would have to be amazing because of  the subject matter…MAGIC! I found the Harry Potter wikia page which I thought I’d share here, as they put together a pretty comprehensive catalog. Check it out here: Harry Potter Wikia and see if you find any favorites.

But definitely go check out all of the images from the Swedish Harry Potter covers on Imgur because they are all gorgeous!! And while you’re at it, go check out Alvaro’s site and see some more powerful works done by this Chilean/Swedish graphic designer extraordinaire.

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People Are Awesome…INDEED

So, we’ve made it to another weekend, and I thought that this might inspire you to just go out there and let go. The video’s title is People Are Awesome, and after seeing all of the incredible feats that people do everyday, well, we really can be a pretty talented bunch of creatives. Nothing is mundane about this video as each and everyone of these amazing people definitely grab life with both hands and live in the moment. Take a peak and be inspired. I am…if only my body could take the punishment now…

But, now you know why i love to FLY 😀

– thanks to, who else… REDDIT for this incredible video! And to Motivade for making it!!!

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Bored Or Expression?

Do we create because we need to express ourselves, or because we’re just bored? Hmmmm…Calvin asks the question that many ponder. So, what do you think? Are you motivated or just bored? I know my answer, and it has nothing to do with boredom! : D

– another smile from thisisnthappiness

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