How Do Snowflakes Feel About Themselves?















Marc Johns wants to know how snowflakes feel about themselves. Perhaps he only managed to discuss this with a few snowflakes, perhaps because they lead such fleeting lives. But just how charming the conversation must have been, if this illustration is the result. And if you peruse his blog, then you’ll find similar contemplation of other important life-changing questions. Take a look. You’ll be smiling after just a few of these. I love this kind of open-mindedness. Don’t you?

– thanks to thisisn’thappiness for this moment of happiness

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I’m Also Strange

Lisa Congdon loves to letter and it shows. How could she be anything but special when her motto is “Today is going to be awesome.”  So when I saw this little special Frida Kahlo saying that she drew, well, I just had to share because I totally agree with the sentiment. Being strange isn’t lonely, and you shouldn’t feel that way if you think you’re strange. Because I’m also strange. And there are a lot of us out there for you to connect with. Strange is unique, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being unique. It’s what we humans should all be about. Not fitting in isn’t the end of the world. You’re probably feeling like an octagonal block trying to fit a pinhole. Embrace your many sides and keep being strange. It broadens your horizons and lets you see the world in a special way.





















– isn’t thisisnthappiness the most amazing treasure trove?

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Thought For The Day: What Do You Want To Do?

Here’s a powerful three minutes asking the question, “What do you want to do?” and forcing you to confront the fact that what we’ve been told is not the only way to live. We hear about how we need to work hard, pulls ourselves up by our boot straps, and be resilient. But when we seek to embrace a dream, the advice usually takes a negative turn and forces us to follow the same path that others followed…repetitively and without much happiness. Listen to this professor confront the real truth about life planning and dreaming about what’s really important aside from money. Listen and be inspired.

Life’s not only about chasing after riches in their material form. It’s also about chasing riches in its emotional form.

– thanks to Reddit for the inspiration

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Another One Day On Earth – 12/12/12

For those who supported One Day On Earth previously, then you probably heard that they are doing another global collaborative effort today. Hopefully, you signed up for it this year’s effort, a third of its kind that started with 10/10/10 and followed with 11/11/11. You’ll be seeing the world through the eyes of people from around the world, participating in a typical day with them that highlights what’s important in their lives. Our world changes every second of every day, and it’s up to each and every one of us to capture what the world has to offer and share it with one another. This way we can highlight what truly matters on this fragile planet of ours, and let one another know so that we can work together to protect it all from harm. Collaboration is about building something together that is something unique and long-lasting. Here’s a good place to start! Support this amazing endeavor for another year.

What do you want to capture for posterity and share with the world?

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Nature’s Beautiful Examples
















If you’re into dreaming, then you don’t have to look far for miracles. For example, we hear about the complexity of snowflakes along with the fact that no two are alike. Do you believe that? Well, Caltech and many other experts have proof that this fact seems to be true. And you have to believe that each snowflakes path from the sky to the ground would have an impact on their differences in appearance. But getting over that fact, all of their magic can be seen in a simple picture like the one above taken by Russian photographer Andrew Osokin. The world is full of so many miracles when you look at the micro view of our surrounding world and universe. Take a look at Andrew’s album to see more of nature’s beautiful examples of dreams.

Don’t we live in the middle of a dream? And aren’t you looking forward to the next snowfall?

– thanks to Colossal for this gorgeous image

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Building Your Dream













So we all have dreams that we want to build, whether they be a home, or a business, or anything else that is bigger than ourselves. Whenever I see someone doing something special, I always, always save one of their memories so that my dreams can be even bigger than I dreamed the day before. Well, how about this amazing creation: a log cabin home unlike any I’ve ever seen. Just look at the loving attention to the details. And what about the quirky nature that doesn’t fall into typical home design?

Following what you’ve been taught gives you a basic foundation to build on, but there is no law anywhere that says that you have to stay within those guidelines. And this is what can happen when you dream outside of the lines. If you want to see more, than go check out the Log House album that Reddit found. This home is going to be absolutely gorgeous! Whoever will live there is a lucky person.

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A Beautiful, Chill Moment

Sam Meador of Xanthochroid gives us a beautiful rendition of MGMT’s “Kids” with a little bit of slap guitar to complete the perfect song. Nothing to say, but INCREDIBLE!!! Enjoy it. I know I did!

And if you get a chance, check out some more of his work on their YouTube channel. It’s full of some awesome talent.

How about another? Under The Milky Way Tonight:

– thanks Reddit for this gorgeous piece!

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Cross The River, You Say?

If you were given a choice to cross a river using this, would you? I’d freak about landing in the water, since I’m not a strong swimmer. But wow, would I love to do this! Atelier Zündel Cristea designed this inflatable trampoline bridge to cross the Seine, and unsurprisingly, won a prize for their amazing entry to the “A Bridge In Paris” competition. So, would you?

– thanks to Reddit and Guardian for this fun-filled Parisian dream

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Thought For The Day: Be YOU

What a perfect thought for the day: Be You!

People will always tell you to be the best you can be, but first of all you need to know who you really are so that you can be the best YOU. We’re each unique and there is no one else quite like us. We’re the results of every thought, feeling, and action that we’ve done up until now. We’re going to become what we dream of for our future. No one can tell you what road to take because only you know the destination you want to head towards.

So, like Dr. Seuss says:

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Disappointment…Don’t Let It Happen










Mark Twain really knows how to tell it like it is, doesn’t he. It’s probably why his books are such amazing readings, because he captures humanity at its best and worst. But this quote by him really hits home why we need to do something that will ensure that we will never be disappointed with the path that we choose. Life gives us many opportunities, and it’s up to us to turn them into reality.

And sure enough, it really is in our later years that we start to think about all of those choices we should have taken. Don’t let it happen. Do things that will make you feel thankful that you’re alive. It takes a while to find those cherished moments, but they’re like no other when they actually happen.

– thanks Piccsy for the notice

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