Laura Actually Sings The Diva Song

So, I have always been impressed and in awe by the Diva Song from The Fifth Element. Opera can be like a palette cleanser, but for the ears. When I found out that there are people out there that can actually sing this melody, well, I know that I’ve got to check them out. Here’s Laura Workman McMurtrey giving us a taste of her vocal dancing that allows her to duplicate the melody almost perfectly. Go check out her site and support her singing, so that she can make more amazing recordings like this one.

– Amazing find, Reddit!

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Look Out!

If you’re needing a smile to get your over the hump, then you’re going love this little one minute clip from a Japanese tv show. What would you do if a mob was coming at you?

LOOK OUT! It’s a joke…and a funny one at that! Wow, I keep forgetting how hilarious Japanese TV can sometimes be.

– Enjoy and thank Reddit for the find

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Can’t Move…










Must keep moving….Just a little…Who am I kidding?! Can’t move…

Day of rest –  we all need one

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For some of us, memory is not something that is easily accessed. With diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer becoming prevalent, such memories are stolen not only from the victim but also all of those who touch the victim. Our memories embody all that we are, and help build us into the 3D person that walks and talks. So, when a person suffers from life-robbing diseases, how can we help them retain a semblance of themselves  for everyone involved?

Ogilvy of Germany put together a campaign entitled “Vivid Memories” for Raum D, a therapeutic studio for dementia sufferers, that captured their 3D model of the brain of a theoretical sufferer that paid attention to the extreme details of a lifetime’s worth of events that we with full faculties sometimes take for granted. So, as their minds slip further away from the memory of each event, art has a way of capturing them so that there is at least a momentary picture to remind them of their milestones.

We often ask about the importance of art. Here is a perfect example of the emotional connections that art can bring to life, thereby opening a doorway to the soul of a person who might not be reachable through normal communication channels for a variety of reasons. It’s time to get past looking only at the surface of a creation, and to delve into the depths of reasons for why something is created. More times than not, the message is much more expansive than we’ll ever know. And that’s why we create art…as a bridge for communication.

– thanks for this enormous push for art in our lives, Piccsy and Ogilvy

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Thought For The Day: Thrill















It seemed appropriate to start this week off with a Thought For The Day,  simply because Piccsy and Dan Shepelavy put up such a great thought.

Remember what you were like in your childhood? When everything had such a new brightness to it that made you simply thrilled to experience it for the first time? Your innocence was not yet tinged by life, so you could see that special something through a clear lens and a wide-open heart. Well, if you want to create something that brings that same feeling back, then you need to remember that exact feeling. The wonder, the sparkle, the joy, and the absolute belief in it belonging in your life. All of those inner fireworks that felt like you had mixed Pop Rocks with soda (urban legends are tempting, aren’t they?). Yeah, now you know that feeling, right? Well, remember it well because it’s your fuel for inspiration that will take you through life and allow you to see the wonders around you in their true splendor. Maybe even make a few yourself.

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His Name Is Lamp

Remember the story of Pixar’s lamp? If not, here’s their first movie about Lamp, Jr. Can you believe that this was 1986?!

Well, it looks like someone else has a love for Lamp and has decided to make their own:

Meet Pinokio by Shanshan Zhou, Adam Ben-Dror, and Joss Doggett. He’s got personality to spare, and he’s born curious (like us). Though he also doesn’t like to sleep.

This is what happens when you let your imagination soar! Amazing friendships come from unexpected places. So keep your eyes and heart open!

– thanks to Reddit for this amazing find

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Creative Entertainment










I just stumbled across this unique movie viewing experience for Life of Pi. From the notes in Reddit, there’s a theater (swimming pool) in Paris who is giving their viewers a personalized experience of joining Pi as he floats through the experience. I’m not sure who they are, but there was a similar event done by a pool in the UK for the showing of Titanic.

Now that’s the way to immerse yourself in the experience. Art becomes life!

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Nicholas’ Spirits

I’m always fascinated with timelapse videos, but this video called “Spirits” by Nicholas Buer is a perspective I don’t see all that often. We live in a world full of color, movement, and spirit, and Nicholas has managed to capture it as though we were on that mountainside in Norway experiencing the aurora. Take a close look at the ground and you’ll really be amazed that the focus is so sharp though there is movement everywhere. I’ve never seen imagery done so sharply and so beautifully.

And yet, one more person convincing me that Norway is definitely on my short list for places to live. What a gorgeous country! Thanks to Nicholas for sharing his moments in this piece of heaven on Earth with the rest of us. Don’t forget to check out his other videos on Vimeo.

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Art Comes Alive

NUPA and Céu D´Ellia create a brief moment in time that comes alive from a small spill of art that touches the world around it. The lucky few who take the time to notice the magic are in for an awakening like none they’ve ever seen. This 2-minute clip is so full of wonder that it bursts with life in a way that only art can. If you want to find out more about this short, then go visit the Iludente blog and enjoy the behind-the-scenes creation story. And if you want to find out more about this São Paulo animation studio, then check out the CCJ site to see more of the magic that they create to inspire the world.

Brilliant job to the team that created this masterpiece! Yes, when art comes alive, so does the world.

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Open Yourself To Julie’s Creativity

Julie Burstein is someone who understands creativity simply because she meets it in others around her. To better understand what sparks creativity, Julie spent time meeting creative people to discover some secrets of creativity that can spark the same in ourselves. The four lessons that she covers in this Ted Talk is not the typical positivity that we’re used to hearing. Julie wants us to meet all of life’s challenges headon, both positive and negative, so that we can get in touch with our inner selves where creativity lies. Just like life’s challenges can change us, so does each time we immerse ourselves into the font of creativity. The hue that is left behind with each dip eventually blend with the previous experiences and new colors come to life that will color what we create from each moment we are inspired.

Everyone is creative, just in different ways. Some are good with colors, some sound, and some with what we might consider mundane. But inspiration can be found in the most mundane of things by simply changing your perspective. Look at the ordinary from a different angle with a different mindset and see if you can see that spark that will ignite your newest creation. If you’re proud of what you create, then you’ve honestly embraced your moment of inspiration and have the reward from that moment of freedom. Keep going. Don’t stop. Creativity grows exponentially. It can’t help itself when there are just so many things to be inspired by. Doesn’t it feel magical?

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