Socio-Political Commentary

I never intended to get into things that negatively impact creativity, but I will because it darkens all of my inspirations. I just read an article by Brett Arends indicating that the Age of America is at an end. At first my reaction was strongly negative as I’m an American by birth, until I put my own genetics into perspective. I’m a multi-cultural individual (British, French, Irish, Japanese…that I know of) as are most of the population of this planet. I’ve traveled to places outside of the United States, and seen unique beauties all around the world. And looking at the current geo-political instability that is quaking all over the world, I have to say that I am enjoying my multi-nationality immensely. I’ve never felt a part of a particular society because of who and what I am. Placing one country’s status over another is frankly immature and ludicrous given our diversity and everyone’s ingenuity.

This world is changing, and the internet is helping to breach the fences of each and every country. We’re on a single planet, and can’t afford to be so tunnel-visioned. Economics is supposed to be a segment of our life that helps us to live the lives that we want. Most of us don’t have this option because of the lack of financial stability in our own lives. This is a direct result of perpetuating a belief that we are all controlled by forces behind the fabric of society. And politics is just something forced onto us, and inherently destructive. Something needs to change.

We have the ability to make ourselves more than what people see. Our appearances are generated by us so that we can fit into our living environment. But there is so much more underneath that makes dramatic changes across the planet on a daily basis. Our beliefs should not be our ideals, because that will limit the vision of our future. Hundreds of years ago, no one thought that the world was round, or that we’d fly in the skies like birds, or that a vast universe (multiple universes for that matter) exists around us. Reality has shown us that we are but a speck of sand on an immense beach. But each speck of sand has the purpose of making up the beach that holds back the waters so that life can exist safely.

We make our realities by inspirational thoughts and deeds. Creativity is our mechanism to reach up to the stars. Perhaps it’s finally time to take the world out the hands of the economists and the politicians, and give it to those people who have the ability to see past logic into the beauty of reality. Social positioning can only succeed when we allow those who have dictate to those who don’t.  And in the end, it’s just numbers twisted by those who want to stay in power. In this reality, no one person ever has true power because life happens. Reality has a way of evening the score, even if its timeline doesn’t match our expectations. The world changes around us everyday because it shows us that we are all but players in life, and that there is something much bigger than all of us. Shouldn’t that push us to work together to make this planet much more beautiful for everyone?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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