Ah… Popularity

It’s all around us! That never-ending quest to be at the top of the mountain. To be the one in control, with others clinging to your every word and action. We’ve all grown up with this monkey on our backs. From school where you try to fit into the popular group, to adulthood where you try to become “the one”. That elusive “it” factor that will make you stand apart from the crowd. Except that there doesn’t seem to be any such tangible factor.

Sure, there are people who are held up as role models, but if you look closely it’s because they’re being true to themselves. Sometimes that can be good, sometimes not so much! Movie stars and politicians are prime examples of the chaff acting like wheat. Their outer persona are as fluid as water, so you never really get a true picture of who they are. An image can be powerful, and speaks to our lowest common denominator. That denominator changes with each person’s perception, and indicates that which is important to them: good looks, trustworthy, strong, beautiful, intelligent … the list goes on because we each have our own checklist. But an image is just that – a single moment in time. Considering that we’re all evolving on a daily basis, I know that I need something much more stable than an image.

Besides, when you see a person change before your eyes, doesn’t it make you nervous? I can say that I have no idea what most famous people in these industries stand for. It’s exhausting to chase after them, when you know that they’ll change like a cloud on a windy day. Who needs that? I’d rather put my energies on those people who have a unique and immutable vision, creative or otherwise. These are the people who are the engines of change, and it’s usually for the betterment of all. Being unique is more priceless than being popular.

Now, I am sorry to say, we are entering into that black hole of all popularity contests: political campaigning. I would call it a season, but it’s much longer so I’ll just leave it out altogether. I must say that I’m cringing at the usurpation of my TV, because I’m looking for creative motivation from movies both new and old. Nothing grinds my vision down to a pulp more than a politician trying to climb on board that popularity bandwagon. So, I’ve decided to escape to my creative cave to, well, create. While I look for other motivators around me – because they’re everywhere and are clamoring to be seen and heard. Oh right…that’s the definition of popularity.

Well, just one request then… no more Twitter pics or videos. There are some things that really don’t need to be seen or heard! I’m pretty sure that this isn’t what social networking is supposed to be about.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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