
We all have them, and we all fiercely defend them. Our beliefs color who we are as people, and how we perceive everything around us. It gives our gut instincts an extra boost so that we pay attention to the hidden messages, and reach a conclusion that will help us move forward. Whether we choose to live our lives around our beliefs, or simply integrate them into some of our actions show who we are as individuals. If all else fails, we can turn to these beliefs to sustain us through the perils of life.

A person with a strong belief, say a religious conviction, will embody their belief to the point that it becomes part of their personality. To separate them from this belief is to basically negate their existence as a whole. Whether this is healthy is really up to that individual’s actions to the surrounding world. The same can be said for people who have many beliefs, and string them together through something physical like their accomplishments. But the underlying strength of beliefs is that they touch each person intimately and completely, so they can’t always be easily swayed.

Beliefs have started wars, and beliefs have brought about astonishing discoveries. The single-minded behaviors that enervate these beliefs are the driving forces of our societies. As individual as humans are, beliefs tend to bring people together to form collectives that give a sense of control to the chaos that is the universe. But we all forget that control is also a limiting counter-force that can stop innovation, if we choose to allow it power. The counter to this counter-force is our ability to question what we don’t accept. It brings a balance that is required in our universe, a yin to a yang. Every culture has the belief that balance sustains life, because no matter how different we are, we’re all humans.

Here are some articles that drive people to question status quo:

Washington Post – Dog Walking and Anarchy

Forbes – Harvard Turns Leaders Into Entrepreneurs

New York Times – Knowledge and the End of the World

Three different areas of focus, three different walks of life. But the strength in their belief has triggered innovative activities that either convert or question another’s own beliefs which will only better our world through the growth and maturation of our society. Of course, maturity doesn’t always bring wisdom. Wisdom happens when you keep hold of the sense of wonder that you had as a child, because that will drive you to seek more knowledge and continue the cycle of growth. Growth is a never-ending cycle. Nature understands this much better than we do, and evolves to continue its survival. Those who don’t evolve may not be around for the next cycle. It’s the universe’s way of maintaining balance.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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