NHK’s AH Game

There is just so much genius coming out creatively in the news today! Creativity Online’s newsletter led me to this amazing video by NHK Japan for an educational program whose new theme is based around the Japanese Hiragana character “Ah”. This interactive game allows the user to draw in the Japanese character (so, go learn how to draw it first). This is all in Japanese, so for those who aren’t familiar with the language:

  1. Click on Next (tsugi he) at the bottom center of the screen.
  2. Draw in the “Ah” character.
  3. Click on the right side for “Yes” or “Hai” that you’re satisfied with your entry.
  4. Then sit back, interact, and have some fun. Clicking on the character as it moves by will make it dance. You can also change the tonal variations of the song.
  5. It seems to go by infinitely so you’ll have to gauge when you’ve had enough.

NHK’s game site: Welcome to AH’s song!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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2 Responses to NHK’s AH Game

  1. Jordan Via says:

    Hi ! I took some of your pictures but I credited you. Tell me if you want me to remove them. Thanks.

    • Carolyn says:

      Hi there, Jordan, and welcome. Just an FYI – I actually credit the original post (if there is one) or put the credit in the image tag, if I get them from somewhere else – if that’ll help you. Things I personally create you’ll notice under the personal creations section. Feel free to keep passing forward the love. Lot of luck to you. : )

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