Expect The Expected








It’s a little disappointing when your perception becomes reality. It’s normal to doubt yourself when things seem too good to be true. That’s how we know to expect the expected. Especially when it deals with us fickle humans. Case in point: People flock to places where they perceive a free opportunity for themselves. But once they’re confronted with a mirrored image of their actions, they realize that the opportunity is gone. The fact is that the opportunity was never there to begin with. It’s just that we perceived it because we wanted it: The easy out.

We should all know by now that nothing that you really want is ever easy. Otherwise, the win wouldn’t mean much to us. Think back through your past: When something was given to you, did you cherish it? How about when you worked your fingers to the bones for something? Notice the difference. I’ll bet that you took much better care of what you worked hard for.

So, why do we expect any less in other aspects of our lives? Most of our relationships take a lot of work, but they end up being stronger for it. It’s harder because there are two people involved, each with independent thoughts, dreams, and needs that drive everything they do. And yet we expect the other person to give in to us. Why? Because we’re so much better than everyone else? Ah, the ego strikes again.

If you want to gain some kind of benefit for yourself in a relationship, a conversation, or anything else hat requires interaction, then expect to invest some of yourself into that effort. Because the person who is engaging with you expects nothing less. And they’re also hoping for the best.

Expecting the expected is only common sense, but creating the unexpected is where creativity and innovation lies. Doesn’t it sound like a lot more fun when you’re in control of turning your dreams into reality?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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