Seasteading Institute









One of my favorite entrepreneurs, Peter Thiel, is at it again on a very, very large scale. Like the rest of us, he sees the failings of our current governmental systems and has funded a solution created by Patri Friedman, who is also the grandson of Milton Friedman: The Seasteading Institute. If we choose to look at governments as entrepreneurial businesses, then the people involved in these floating island micronations will be instrumental in creating and nurturing them along with their leaders. They can create the next evolutionary step in societal and political structures that will foster those characteristics that allow for freedom, innovation, and growth in the 21st century and beyond. This isn’t a new idea, but it definitely is a timely solution.

Now, I find this idea pretty tempting because I have little faith that our current societal and political structures will survive much longer because of the intolerable inequalities and pain to the masses. I’m a little cool to the “sea” part of seasteading as I’m not overly fond of swimming or slimy things. Now put out a venture for spacesteading, and I’ll be all over it as I love anything to do with space and flying. Plus, the greater distances from land-based civilizations will inherently decrease their opportunities to interfere with progress. But no matter the location, the idea has great potential as those involved will be directly involved in the birth of new government and its corresponding societal trappings, much like our pioneering forefathers. Hopefully, these micronations will have none of the polarization that’s currently killing our chances of survival here on land.

What do you think about this idea?

– found through a Mashable post


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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