Taking Our World Back










This image is probably the best image I can think of to describe the world that I want. Note that the paper clips are colorful, and not monotone. That to me is the most important thing of all. Respecting the unique, but realizing that when they’re brought together, we have a rainbow of possibilities. They are not just simple paper clips. Oh no, they’re so much more:

  • Even alone, they can gather diverse sets of ideas and “clip” them together into something completely new.
  • Seen together, they show endless possibilities for mixing it up through unique collaborations.
  • Linked, they can become a chain that can be used in innovative ways to create.
  • Across time, their configurations can change dynamically and bring about new opportunities.

You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been talking a lot about the need for change in order to make a better future for us all. This thought is what drives me on my new path of work, because I want to build something that takes the fires that people around the world are lighting and use it to reform the world that we live in. Take the beauty and magnify it so that it becomes the new standard. Make standard be a temporary instance, because we should always strive for best (not better). I am continually in awe at the people who physically occupy in order to exact that change that we all fervently hope for. But there are more ways to help build stronger and longer bridges that will allow everyone to have a safe path to that future that we all envision.

I don’t know how to fix the broken. I’m stymied because I really don’t think that they should be fixed. I think that they should be taken apart and rebuilt into something new and different. Notice that I’m not saying create from scratch, but taking the best of what we already know works and re-configuring it something new. We see these revolutionary times come throughout the ages, when large masses of people suddenly recognize that change is required. We shouldn’t be about accepting the tolerable, but embracing the potential of “What If”. Think of the most improbable thing and try to make it come to life. Because if we do, then nothing is impossible, is it? People think, people create, and people transform. We need to let them do this without restrictions.

I’ve always been about possibilities. It’s how I think and how I work. Now, it’s about turning possibilities into opportunities because they’re the only way to get to the future. This is going to be my occupation and everyone who wants to is welcome to join!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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