An Artist Draws A New Red Riding Hood

Daniel Egnéus takes us through his creative process for Red Riding Hood. I found this artist through a post by Ape on the Moon and had to find out more about his work. My search led to the video above and so much amazing color and feeling. To me, his art gives off a feel of the Toulous Lautrec-style impressionism with so much more vivacity and feeling. An additional reward is that he illustrated the Brother’s Grimm story of Red Riding Hood in a beautiful watery explosion of lines and color. I read that he grew up inspired by the comic stylings of Will Eisner, Jack Davis and Mad magazine. I am so glad that so many people really do see the treasures that the world of comics hold within their diverse pages.

Take a close look at Daniel’s site and browse around at his creations. They are really breathtakingly gorgeous!

Here’s a short mesmerizing clip to enliven your curiosity about Daniel:

Thanks, Ape on the Moon, for this one!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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