A World That Thrives

There is a world that thrives on creation and inspiration. It’s not in one place, unless you count that the place starts from within us all.

This video was created for OFFF 2011, which is a “post-digital cultural festival” where people with a singular interest in art gather to share and experience. There are speakers who present and teach about some amazing creations, so that others can feel them and then go off on their own from their inspiration.

But to me the video stands up on its own because of its passionate embrace of our creative actions. The beauty of an act of creation shows in the colors of the tools, or in the movements of the artist. Put together, the world of creation in all of its form creates a world that will always thrive because it is built on the premise of embracing our power to believe in the most ethereal of actions: our thoughts. We turn our thoughts into a reality that no one else can create in quite the same way, which is the beauty of our individual talents. Alone, they can be singularly powerful. Together, they become a riot of competing and complimentary that has the possibility to become something bigger than the singular because of the combined belief in them.

It’s a powerful world that we can create if we understand that celebrating the differences is all about creating a single, beautiful point that can encompass the universe in its entirety.

– found through Behance -> OFFF


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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