A Girl With A Blade

This is an excerpt of a thought process of an artist, a girl with a blade, who creates new from old:













Erika Iris Simmons likes to take things apart, and then put them back together into works of art that evoke her trains of thought. And she does it beautifully with a blade and a piece of history in the form of a book or music. Take a close look at this small excerpt from one of her blog entries. THIS is what any creator goes through when attempting to turn the thoughts and images in their head into some tangible. A myriad of cascading bursts being transformed into a thing of beauty. Here is a step-by-step approach of the blood, sweat, and tears that drives a person to answer their inner calling: To create.

I found her through My Modern Met (thanks as always, guys), but I found so much more when I got a peek at her site and blog. Seriously, how can any artist or creative be considered anything but amazing? I mean, look, Erika is into fractal geometry. Any scientist would be humbled to see how she views their world. And there are so many more creatives who share wide range of passion for subjects of depth, because that’s what it takes to create. Science and art do go hand-in-hand, as many of us have told the disbelievers for centuries. Here’s your proof, all you non-believers. This is just one of the ways that beauty is created from dreams. This is what the world can never have enough of!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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