Greg Brotherton Is Ghouly













This has got to be the single sweetest ghouly sculpture that I’ve seen. It’s called “Listening In”. And the awesome thing is that the artist, Greg Brotherton, is in my neck of the woods! Woo hoo. Greg takes the discarded mechanical components of found objects and recreates this wonderful world where Steampunk meets Horror in a sinisterly delicious way. How would you like to have a phone like this? I know that I would. Take a look at his site and see some more fascinating work where he uses motion and scary aesthetics to come up with some really beautiful pieces that puts man and machine together in such a dystopian way. Amazing!

Whatever you do, check out his piece called “Pushed Around”. THAT is…oh wait, did you see “Search Engine”?!? Oh, there’s more…look at “Into The Void”…never mind, check them all out. They are all that insanely wicked! WOW! – found through a Colossal post


And here’s his TedxAmericasFinestCity (San Diego, CA) intro, X Video, as the featured artist for this show:


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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