Vik Muniz is back once again (I’ve covered him before here and here), and once again he is out to help people. Wasteland is a story about the catadores, or pickers of recyclable materials, who work in the world’s largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, in Vik’s native Brazil. This time, Vik asked them to participate in his art creation by becoming the inspiration for his pieces that went on sale through an auction. All of the proceeds went back to the catadores, who have since used it to make changes in their lives. The movie is already in worldwide release, and is even available on video in the US. I definitely need to see this, and not only because it covers the work of an amazing man. What beauty that’s found in an unexpected place.
Vik is an artist whose heart is so obviously bigger than the wide open skies. Every time I read about him, he’s using his creative talents to better another’s life. He is such an inspiration for me and many others out there.
– thanks again My Modern Met for covering an amazing talent