Get Inspired To Look










When I suggested that inspiring beauty was yours to find, I had no idea that this was happening in London. Fabergé is putting on The Big Egg Hunt, and has maps of 12 hot zones throughout London where you can bring back the magic of your childhood. There are 209 eggs in total made by some of incredible artists, and they really are treasures that fit into the palm of your hand (though some are larger than you might think).

The hunt is on from February 21st to April 3rd, and all you need to do is tweet the unique keyword relating to the egg you found to 80001 to be entered into a random drawing for the grand prize, the Diamond Jubilee Egg. Fabergé even added QR codes so that you can collect the eggs to Facebook. So, if you’re in London and want to join The Big Egg Hunt, now’s your time. Don’t forget your phone. And your sense of wonder. Sometimes, a day just needs to be about the wonder and the beauty, you know? Get inspired to look because that’s where the fun lies.

– Thanks DesignTaxi


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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