Sea Jewels












I stumbled on this image from Good Finder, and have to say that I am once again in awe at the magic that nature creates. This is an image of a small section of the Dead Sea, that most famous of waters that holds some treasures that we hold dear. And this gorgeous image is what happens to waters when salt formations create a jewel-like maze from within. Actually, this image is what happens when incredible photographers like Baz Ratner turn their artistic eyes to their surroundings to share with us the world in which we live.

For a man like Baz who has seen the tortures that war brings upon man, it is the fact that he continues to see the beauty of our world that makes you realize that we all have that magic within to see past the ordinary until we find the extraordinary. When we uplift the extraordinary, we celebrate the possibilities of not only our own growth, but an abiding belief that this growth will fuel the positive growth to the world around us that is our only home. We are but individual stones awaiting to be polished by life into jewels.

– Thanks Good and Boing Boing


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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