Choose Your Corner










I saw this on this isn’t happiness and was struck by the rightness of Ray Eames words.

We, especially me, have a tendency of seeing only the enormity of a problem at first glance. After that one simple glimpse, the feeling of utter despair can sometimes stop us before we even attempt a start. Fortunately, I’ve learned to fight through that overwhelming emotion and move forward with the task by making the individuals tasks bite-size. Believe me, it sometimes takes more time than you think.

In today’s world of enormous global and social issues, it’s easy to take one look and say, “Why bother. It’s not like anything’s going to change.” But just think of what we wouldn’t have in our lives if every single person really believed that. Instead of talking about innovating, we would have never even heard of the word. Creativity would not be so full of such diverse wonder as what we have shared throughout our history. We wouldn’t even be able to look at the world around us and truly understand just how intricately balanced it really is.

Every person out there who has taken on this task of pulling in a chunk of the world and sought to understand it so that they can make it better gets Eames’ words. They live it every day. Their corner is set, and they are busy picking away at the fine threads to weave a cloth of unimaginable inspiration. No two people think exactly alike, so we build off of one another’s discoveries and make them even more special. This tenacity has allowed man to touch the moon and to swim amongst the stars. If we can reach the heavens, then can you imagine just how far we can actually go?

Pick your corner and concentrate. Feel the change pouring from your soul through your fingertips. That’s just the beginning. And expect wondrous things. Because that will drive your own engine of change.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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