Bryan Stevenson Talks About Injustice

Ted2012 has just finished, but its conversations will live on like they always do. Whether you watched the optimistic Peter Diamandis speak about Abundance Is Our Future, or the realism of Paul Gilding letting us know that The Earth Is Full, you heard about not only the difficulties but also the opportunities for a better future that we have at the tips of our fingertips. The key is every one of us chipping in to make the required changes happen. Much of the population doesn’t seem ready to work for such a vision, but the Ted folks are not amongst this group.

Well, then I heard Bryan Stevenson give his talk on We Need To Talk About Injustice, and I knew that he was someone special. Bryan gives us details of the work that he does working with bias in our justice system. But his talk doesn’t just only go into stats (which are horrifying) on this prejudiced bias in our criminal justice system, but he speaks of how to re-frame our mindsets towards a fairer approach that doesn’t just focus on demonizing all errors, no matter their level of victimization, through unbalanced punishment.

The lives of minorities are never fully focused upon unless it is to focus on their burden. But what about their current and potential contributions. What if we raised our conscience so that we put the importance back onto each unique individual, no matter what their background? What if we all were given a fair shake? What if the negativism is finally responded to with a vision of what we can all do working together?

Wealth and status will no longer hold the same respect that it once did, because our current history shows that they no longer deserve the respect. But everyday, we see people who have potential, but not the resources to succeed, and they should be the ones who gain respect. Because everyday, someone out there is coming up with amazing solutions based upon their own tragic experiences that will give us a new way to look at things.

Listen to Bryan. He really is incredible! Absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! You’ll probably listen to this talk more than once. I already have. And I will listen some more because he speaks an important viewpoint that can help us all go far and with a huge amount of hope. Your identity can give us all hope, if you choose to make it so.

Keep your eyes on the prize. HOLD ON!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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