Do You Know What Time It Is? Staff Meeting Time

I honestly cannot resist the absolute brilliant pointlessness of this video’s theme: staff meeting videos. You’re an ad agency that has done it all, so what is there left to do? Yes, we all love those staff meetings that simply brighten up our day (if you really do, then forgive me if I stare – I’ve never met anyone who actually does). So what could be more kick-me-in-the-pants exciting then featuring them in a promotional video that gives your company the ability to reach your target audience while you’re also sending out warm hugs as it’s recommended in all social media protocols. It’s not good to be human, when you can be HUMAN! You want people to laugh, and you want them to cry, and then you want them to sign with you. It’s your way of becoming the ad gods that you are.

Brought to you by the crazy director Dave Green, Vimeo, and a boatload of really excited staff members who can’t wait to produce staff meeting videos to death. His videos are hilarious bizarre, and will make you forget all about your….oh no, it’s time for a staff meeting…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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