The Necessity Of Nimit













After the questions of necessity (?) drawn up from the last post, you can feel redeemed by viewing the new exhibit, Finding Together Again, of Nimit Malavia which runs from 4/5/2012 to 4/26/2012. As you can see by this image of Remus and Romulus, which makes its debut through the Spoke Art Gallery press release, Nimit has once again placed pencil to paper to create another masterful series. From the show’s description, it looks like he will once again be discovering the range of emotions that takes us through the human experience and drives us through our “moments of crisis”, as seen in the mythical allegories that we grow up with.

If you’ve seen Nimit’s work before, then you know why I’m so obsessed with his renderings. His grasp of life and its contrasts are so powerful that you can only really stare at his creations, trying to take in all of its meaning. If you happen to be in San Francisco, then definitely go check this show out. And know that I will be wishing that I was there with you. Once again, Nimit shows how necessary his work is to the overall conversation of inspiration. I know that I think so.

– thanks for the notice, Arrested Motion


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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