A Story For Tomorrow

I haven’t had a chance to visit Brain Pickings in a while, but was ecstatic when I came across this absolutely gorgeous story telling. Amazingly enough, the story teller (voiced by the mesmerizing Castulo Guerra) is the embodiment of our future that we all seek. This particular story is about members of Gnarly Bay Productions, Inc. (Dan, Dana, and a supportive Nina), on a walkabout through Chile and Pantagonia.

It’s easy to imagine that in such grandiose landscapes as these, you would actually have a chance to run into your real future. Probably because you’re working on finding the real you that matters most to you. So, sit back and wrap yourself up in “A Story For Tomorrow” . It will definitely hit home. I know that it did for me because I felt my soul stir!

“Is it possible to be happy with this life?”

And then I will ask, as I do to everyone else, “Did you enjoy your story?” – Your Future

p.s. Check out the rest of their work, because Gnarly Bay Productions has some real heart.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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