This Is What It Feels Like…











Oh Reddit, when days become frustrating because things change too slowly in life, you always manage to find the perfect image for these feelings. Yes, this is what it’s been feeling like lately when I look around at how we’re living (politics, economics, you know what I’m talking about). No, this doesn’t include everyone, because there are a lot of imaginative people that are trying to replace status quo with something better. But this image does feel a lot like the life that I’m trying to leave behind (are you feeling it too?).

Do you ever feel like someone is looking at you like a tasty drumstick?

If so, then this is for you. A little reminder that even if one leg is caught, we still have other limbs to help us break free. As well as a head full of amazing visions of our freedom. And a heart that can be as free as a bird soaring through the sky. And eyes that will help you find an escape route. And ears that can keep you away from further danger. And a mouth to call for help, or to use to simply scare the bejeebus out of whoever’s got a hold of your damn leg.

It doesn’t have to feel like this, when it can feel like this: HAPPY


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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