Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson Gets Tired

Are you tired and frustrated of how life is treating us? Well, you’re not alone. Even the brightest mind in the world is feeling it lately. Listen:


Neil DeGrasse Tyson spoke a few words at Mount Holyoke College (where he got an honorary degree), and he did his usual multi-tasking (yes, tweeting while talking) as he tried to leave a few words of wisdom to the newly minted graduates. Except this time, he told the real truth of how he’s feeling (he’s been pretty honest lately, huh?),

“I’m tired. I can’t keep doing this. I need the rest of you to help me fix the world.”

Yup. Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson gets tired. It’s hardly enlightening because he’s human. But it’s relevant because even a guy with a whole lot of answers still can’t get his own questions answered. So there’s still a lot for all of us to do. Time to start helping.

Just saying…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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