Well Spoken, Senator Wyden – Internet Thanks You (Again)

If it wasn’t for Senator Wyden, I really don’t think that the Internet would have a true champion that protects it in our government. Well, that’s not true because we also do have Senator Lofgren and a few others. But Senator Wyden has been the most vocal and its brightest knight. This video came across on Techdirt and needs to be shared to show to show his tireless efforts to protect our digital domain. In a Congress where hundreds are clearly conflicted in their roles, it’s so unfair that we don’t have more like him…a lot more.

Yes, we do vote these people in, and our track record has been dismal. But it’s also the flaws of our governing that has gotten in the way of actually knowing how to accurately choose these public servants. It’s clearly a problem that goes beyond the public’s capabilities, because the amount of money that turns many of the heads in Congress is never seen in the light of day by the people. And the organizations that put out misinformation has too vast a network that bombards us everywhere.

Frankly, it’s the Internet’s presence that has proven repeatedly that people are interested in how our lands are governed. We are disgusted because we know how things should be done, but have also realized that it will never happen unless:

  1. We know how our institutions are being compromised, and who those key manipulators are. We have an idea. We need actual evidence. The Internet provides it.
  2. We find a way to become part of the process outside of voting which is too infrequent and too diluted. Most of us don’t have the time to fully engage because the real-time efforts would be too laborious and expensive to accomplish on an individual level. But the Internet has provides us with avenues of participation through connection and information.
  3. We build a true alternative to the current governing structure that gives equal, open access to all citizens to be able to participate in the responsible governing of our lands. The Internet is starting to build those options, but the current system keeps trying to destroy this necessary evolution in order to save itself.

We live in a world of fear, not only because of the actors, but mainly because our trust is being eroded by the institutions we were told to trust. Trust isn’t given, it’s earned. The people, through the Internet, are telling our leaders that we are taking that trust back because of the disrespectful way that our leaders act towards their constituents on an everyday basis through biased legislation.

We also live in an age of hope mainly because the Internet has provided a balance that allows opportunities to be achieved by any who are interested in going after them. People around the world feel connected for the first time, and now understand what true democracy can look like. Not the democracy that’s been advertised by our governments (if they exist in our country), but the people’s democracy that is built and protected by the actions of every active Internet user around the world. Some people are building a better world. They’re waiting for their governments and the remaining people to get involved, or at least stop putting up barriers just because it’s unknown.

Thank you, again, Senator Wyden for being the voice of reason in a sea of biased and corrupt actions. We are tired of hearing that actions that aren’t “illegal” by those in power aren’t wrong, while the people go to jail for much lesser acts on a daily basis. Here’s a hint about this particular election. The reason why things are stagnant is that people believe that they only have two choices. That’s not a democracy, because either choice gives us the same results. People around the world are creating their own parties because they know it’s time to take back the reins of government before the damage becomes irreversible. We’re already at the precipice, and our current leaders keep playing word games instead of actually saving the world.

The Internet is the way to help change happen. Congress needs to protect it, not destroy it. Their actions are inexcusable, especially because so many Congressmen claim ignorance of it. If you don’t know something, then learn about it. It’s what the rest of the world does, and our politicians should all be doing the same thing.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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