The Delicacy of A Hina (Aoyama, that is)










I ventured onto My Modern Met and came across something utterly incredible (especially for those of us who don’t have steady hands). Hina Aoyama must have magical powers to be able to create such delicate fantasies with only paper and scissors. Yes, she cuts it all by hand with only some music to help her concentrate (and she’s giving instructions while she cuts). Take a look at her Flickr page to see just how incredibly intricate her work is, or look at the video below to see some of her pieces in an exhibition last year.

Here she is getting ready to be part of the exhibition, Kirie of the World 2011 (one of my other favorite Kirie artists participated, Patrick Gannon):

I can’t even begin to grasp how much patience and steadiness she needs to complete her delicate creations. All I can do is respect the fact that artists everywhere, like Hina, put out unimaginable dreams that make our world look even more beautiful. And that’s saying a lot because the most talented artist of all, Nature, has created some mind-blowing fantasies come to life, like these Monarch Butterflies.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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