Be A Hummingbird

After I finished reading a really uplifting article on Co.Exist about adding a happiness measurement into the global economy, I was intrigued by a link that Hunter Lovins recommended. It was a story told by Wangari Maathai that could be a story that we’ve all lived. A little hummingbird did the best that it could to try to change the outcome of a forest fire, no matter how much others tried to dissuade him from his efforts.

There are a lot of really big problems that you probably feel very passionately about fixing. I know that my list is long. How many times has someone near you tried to dissuade you from getting involved in trying to fix what most feel is inevitable? Probably too many times, right? Well, here’s a powerful story that just might help you to stand up against the naysayers. Yes, things may feel impossible, but they only become possible if you try. So, be a hummingbird!

– Thanks Fast Company and Co.Exist for the valuable lesson


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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