Monthly Archives: June 2012

A Ghostly Lesson

                    See the pilot here: You know that I couldn’t resist this little masterpiece, right? A ghostly encounter between a little girl and a famed composer. One who goes by … Continue reading

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Conquests by Frankie Rulez!!!

The idea of world domination (or even galactic domination) is hardly a new one. It’s what our history has partially been built on. But this new look by San Charoenchai has got to be one of the most hilarious takes on … Continue reading

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A Beautiful Marriage Proposal

We’ve been seeing creative marriage proposals coming out of the wood works of late. And I have to say that as a writer, this one really rings true:                     And the … Continue reading

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Hung Out To Dry

Ok, seriously, I fell in love with this project (at first) because of the clothes pins. What can I say? I was easily amused as a child. 😀                     It looks … Continue reading

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Sometimes English Isn’t Easy

Mathieu Cuvelier and Lucy Crook worked with The Viral Factory to create this adorable video of Cambodian kids trying to say the hardest word in English. Granted it’s a nonsensical word, but it’s also our most famous one: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. If … Continue reading

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Andrew’s Eyeoneye

This creative music video, Eyeoneye, by Andrew Bird combines beautiful paper art with soothing melodies that bring you back to a more innocent time. It’s a fun feast for the eyes as well as a calming influence for the soul. … Continue reading

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Hush Is Back With Sirens

                          Hush is back in Melbourne with a new series entitled Sirens, and his geishas are as beautiful as always. His fans got to see 37 new works … Continue reading

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Landscape Cones

                      The colors of fall are always among the most beautiful, and this landscape art by Lana Shuttleworth is indeed gorgeous because of the vivid colors. Can you believe that … Continue reading

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Ashes And Snow – A Study of Man and Nature

                                    The power of man and nature can be shown in graceful contrast. Canadian photographer Gregory Colbert clearly has a mastery of not … Continue reading

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Flying Muscle (Cars That Is)

                            Honestly, I could not be happier than I was when I saw this photo series by Matthew Porter on My Modern Met. The combination of flying … Continue reading

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