Monthly Archives: June 2012

Kids Are Superheroes

                            I just caught this series, Kids Are Superheros, by Andy Fairhurst on Piccsy and fell in love with everything about it. Definitely go check out Andy’s … Continue reading

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A Story That Transcends Time And Place

So, I was reading Reddit as I always do when I was captured by Calvin & Hobbes, The Later Years. I mean, who wouldn’t be caught since that seems to be everyone’s favorite comic. The adventures of a little boy … Continue reading

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Making A Beautiful Sound

The Art of Making series is back with the making of a Flamenco guitar. This video, Alma Flamenca, was put up on Vimeo by Dimitris Ladopoulos (of Deep Green Sea in Athens,Greece) and condenses 299 hours of painstaking craftsmanship into … Continue reading

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Saved By Kindness The kindness of strangers can show up in the most unexpected of places. I’m pretty sure that the bottom of the ocean would not be a common place to encounter a moment quite like this. Reddit shared this tense … Continue reading

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Thought For The Day – Faith

                  This Helen Keller quote from Piccsy describes my idea of faith. It’s so much more than a religious doctrine. It’s actually a belief system that you hold inside you to balance … Continue reading

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Moving Past The Barriers

                  No, this isn’t going to be your first thought when you reach a barrier. Hugging your opponent is not going to feel natural, but maybe it should. After having a long … Continue reading

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