Society 6 And Alice









I love browsing through art sites that allow artists to showcase and offer their brilliant creations to others. Society 6 is one such site that I always return to for inspiration as the artists there are of such a high caliber. One artist in particular who always draws my eye is Alice X Zhang, because her style reminds me of those favorite moments when we got to use some colored chalk on a blank blackboard or sidewalk. Though she does things with strokes and colors that I could never touch in a million years.  I wanted to share a new favorite of her called The Lights. It’s got a feel of Harry Potter meets Venice and the magic simply couldn’t be contained. Go check out her offerings on Society 6 and get to know her on her Tumblr site. You’ll be amazed at what she creates.

And here’s one more favorite that she showcased on her site: All of Space and Time which features everyone’s favorite Tardis (see what I mean…magical):



About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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