Stand Out

Well, we’re all getting ready to go back to the daily grind after a holiday season that hopefully opened your eyes to what’s important. And what better way to get moving then an inspiring quote (reminder, really) from a great mind.





Whether you’re still moving through your uncertain youth or finally ready to embrace the real you after so many years of trying to fit in, this reminder from Ian Wallace is something that should reside with your deepest truths. We should make ourselves into what our mind’s eye wants to see, not what others want you to fit into. Your mold is distinctly different because you’re distinctly different, so why not pursue the truth that you want to live with?

After all, we all have the opportunity to stand out…it’s all up to whether we choose to grab it with both hands to open up all of the possibilities that we’re all born with. It’s not up to anyone but ourselves. 2013 seems like a good year to embrace the potential, don’t you think? After all, we are in the age of renewal according to many ancient societies, and we’ve seen first hand what happens when we stop dreaming.

Just saying…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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