
We talk all the time about the wonders of the Internet, of its ability to bring us closer to one another in ways that are harder in the physical world. And it looks like Google has once again put together a video of star lovers finding one another, and sharing in their night observations of the wonders of the universe. Sure, we could all meet in someone’s yard or at an observatory, but how is that possible when the audience is spread around this globe of ours?

Those of us who are fighting to keep the Internet free from coercion understand the sheer enormity of opportunities that such a technological home allows us. Everyday, we are breaking down barriers in order to get our personal creations out there for others to find. It’s becoming a lot more than market share. It’s become about sharing. Conquests are becoming hollow to many, as we discover the openness that comes from the act of giving with little expectation of receiving. That’s when receiving can come in the most unexpected form. A delighted gasp of joy. A mutual sharing of laughter and camaraderie. An unknown fact that opens up your world just a little bit wider. And a sense of belonging that stretches past a local boundary to encompass the entire planet.

We are joined by our mutual interests and inspirations. It’s the key to humanity’s ability to dream up new frontiers that we’re aching to know. And we’re doing it together. What a world it will be when it is eventually given the chance to prosper. Until then, let’s keep reaching out to one another and share our dreams.

p.s. Go check out this hangout if you’re into the stars. After all, they’re what dreams are made of!

– thanks to Reddit for this heartwarming moment


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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