Pressure Cookers or Press F1

Living life in a pressure cooker is not what humans are about. Honestly, we do not come out the other end tastier than when we went in. So, why is life all about PRESSURE?










This topic is becoming close to my heart once again, because of precisely the position I put myself into. It’s the same position that millions of us are placed in because of…you guessed it, the almighty currency. When you’re on the outside looking in, you get the luxury of free commentary when you disagree with someone (yes, I mean the big behemoths claiming to be people). On the inside, not so much. Instead, you get to work in a pressure cooker. Turn on the timer, and make sure that it’s a fast one, because there are expectations of grandeur from all around. Work, work, work, because we need that output. What, we said that last month? Well, it’s a new month with new expectations. The market is an unforgiving mistress, didn’t they tell you?

As schedules contract, people are stretched to unbearable limits. And so, we look around to a past-time that will make the little bit of off-time that we have more palatable before the schedule restarts as it invariable does. But last  year should have been a wake-up call, shouldn’t it? Conversations are starting to enter the atmosphere about inequality, servitude, and the likes that we haven’t seen since the robber baron days of the 1800’s (or for many, yesterday). I even read an interesting opinion piece from a journalist who is considering to work for Al-Jazeera. Like it’s a bad thing? It’s really sad when expectations of doing good are ridiculed because of prejudice or because it goes against status quo. It really is. Which is why we should listen to ourselves before we listen to others. We know what we truly need, better than anyone else. Especially when it goes against common “wisdom” (and I use that word loosely).

Yes, we all have to deal with moral dilemmas. Even the best of things, like pursuing truth and justice, are closely entwined with immorality. Our world is the absolute marriage of the two. Leaders like to say beautiful things with such eloquent words, and yet they fail to hide the ugliness that comes with the world of economics that is demolishing us like buzzing beat up clunkers in the ultimate demolition derby. We are looking after number 1 (someone’s got to think we are, even if it’s only us, right?) because the world is a cold, stark place.

But, aren’t we the makers of our own world? Why would we want a cold, stark world? Especially, when the world really is somewhat miraculous and beautiful. You’d think that if millions of us sensed that there is another option that leads away from this merciless pursuit of profits, we’d all be heading in that direction. And yet, we’re all standing around waiting for someone else to make the first move. Just in case, that move is a grand mistake. And yet, mistakes are what bring us just one step closer to reaching something that resembles perfection. Because, no one has really attained true perfection yet. And that’s as it should be. If everything is perfect, then no one will try harder. Look around, we all need to try harder. Just as soon as we can get out of the pressure cooker, and into some soothing whipped cream (it is creamy and sweet, and even relaxing).

What are some of your goals to reach whipped cream? I have mine, and am just salivating for the time when I can grab hold of the change. It’s almost here…

p.s. In the meantime, do what you can to keep the sanity? If you love something, then go do it. NOW. Because life is too short!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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