Exploring and Experimenting


You can’t mention the name of Neil Degrasse Tyson without getting gasps of awe, admiration, and inspiration. Here’s an awesome few minutes reminding us of the need to keep growing, no matter how old you get. He brings up a important point that we take for granted in childhood, and that is that the world is so new to us that everything needs to be looked at closely. Exploring and experimenting is what we all did as children so that we had a better understanding of this big, bright world that revolved around us.

  • Does the world stop when we close our eyes?
  • Is your life like my life, even though we live miles apart?
  • What can you teach me, because you have a different life from mine?
  • If I talk to animals, will they understand me?
  • Why does the sky look so different from season to season?

Questions. We had millions of them. And we wanted answers to every single one of them. We’d ask whoever was nearby so that we could learn. And then we grew up, and for many, the lessons stopped. We assumed that we knew all that there was to know. Ignoring the fact that we ran into unknowns on a daily basis. Perhaps if we just thought about our time on Earth as compared to the age of the universe, then we would understand that we’re only here for a blink of a star’s eye. That should give us the motivation to go out there and do what we need to to keep growing and learning. I’ll let Neil tell you in a much more powerful way: Don’t ever stop learning. Life is too short and there is too much to try to understand.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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