Sight Over Thoughts

There’s something to be said for road trips. Even if they’re ones that originate for scary reasons. Take care of your body. Enough said.











When you’re feeling trapped, a good road trip really helps the soul take over from the mind. Sight over thoughts kick in. Last week had an incredible day that had everything to do with rain. Luckily it was on a travel day for me. I’m one of those people who loves what rain does to the world around us visually. I probably wouldn’t feel that way if I lived in it 365 days a year, but then I haven’t so I find it soulfully uplifting. And of course, I traveled without a good camera. Yes, I was kicking myself because I would only have memories of some incredible sights.

This moment happened as I was nearing my destination. Rain departing at sunset leads to some pretty incredible light shows. This image doesn’t even begin to do justice to the pockets of liquid gold that were slowing bathing the hillsides that had been keeping me company on my trip. It looked like the sky was pouring buckets of shimmering warmth that awakened a forlorn landscape. As they spread across the undulating slopes, it looked as though golden blankets were being laid right before my delighted eyes.

I wish I could tell you of the many incredible moments of nature I was allowed to experience. There were so many. Young colts lounging in flowing green and yellow rivers of grass and flora. Startling shades of young green dominating over typically old mustard yellow. Everywhere my eyes turned, color unlike anything I’ve seen in a long while was bombarding my tired senses and bringing vitality back to my fatigued body and senses. Spring 2013 seems to be giving us a much needed break from the trials and tribulations of problems that we are experiencing. Thanks goodness Mother Nature KNOWS what we crave. And then proceeds to provide us with a show called life that requires full engagement. Or else you’ll miss the moments that are designed to help fill your well.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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