And now it’s….CISPA (again)

Update: I know that you’ve seen this already, but I wanted to talk about it in some more detail since our Congress has been out of control with creating legislation that is distinctly tunnel-visioned and dangerous. So here’s the details behind CISPA for your information, as there is still time to contact your Senator with your comments. Thanks.













Honestly, this is getting old. The US Congress has got to be the single biggest threat to the safety and security of the US.

If you disagree with your representative, then it’s up to you to vote them out! How many times have you heard this statement? And how many times have you gone to vote, and well, everything is exactly as it was the very next day, month, and year. Perhaps this should be our ultimate wake up call. Because if you’re like me, well, you’re sick and tired of people telling you that you shouldn’t get your panties in a twist since nothing will ever change. You think? Maybe it’s because we keep doing the same stupid actions waiting for something different to happen.

Which leads us back to this: Again, we have to protest the dangerous and narrow-minded reactions of another Congressman who is determined to get CISPA back through…with no changes from the first time that we protested it. As a matter of fact, all of the good amendments that could have provided protection and privacy for the people were refused during the House Committee session.

People want transparency, but CISPA will do nothing to protect them as it will be busy protecting those organizations that assist in data collection.  Here’s just a few of the gems that the House voted as appropriate:

  • Information gathered can be used for a broad and unclear “cybersecurity purpose”
  • Companies can use countermeasures against perceived security threats (and you think hackers are dangerous?)
  • But companies will be sharing your private information with impunity and little oversight
  • The information collection can be done without a warrant and without you knowing about it

Learn more about the CISPA bill from one of the voices for the Internet that steps into the fray for the People: EFF

Contact your Congress today. The House has already overwhelmingly passed this bill (after a visit from IBM lobbyists), so we need to contact the Senate. They are planning to debate on Thursday (4/26) and vote on Friday. And don’t assume that the White House will veto this bill just because they said so. That track record has not been too stellar. We’ve had too many outrageous legislations chip away at the foundations of our civil liberties.

Here are a few links to use:

And BTW, the opposition isn’t just a bunch of 14 year olds in their parent’s basements!

We need to do more than re-actively protest every time a dangerous piece of legislation passes. Our representatives aren’t listening to us, partly because they have too many people talking at them. It’s time to start being proactive and get involved, not in campaigning (talk about wasted money that could go for better uses), but actual governing. If this country really is By The People, For The People, then we need to take this phrase more seriously.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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