Productivity? What is it

As always, I can’t figure out how to deal with comments. Anyone with a blog will tell you about the dilemma. What is real? What is sales? In this money-obsessed world of ours, it’s almost impossible to separate the two. We find that success is intimately tied with returns. But what returns are really important to YOU?

I got a question that got me thinking: How long does it take for your website to get productive?

That question can’t be answered simply until I know what you mean by productivity. Is it the same as how a company would look at productivity? And what is the criteria? If we all had the same goal, then productivity would be simple to determine. But it’s obviously not, in this world where things can change faster than the speed of light. This connected world of ours never sleeps and we’re inundated with…everything.

Whether it’s blogging or technical communications, my productivity is never constant. The one constant that exists in both is this:

Researching. Mining. Thinking. Writing. Revising. Learning. Growing. Repeating the process endlessly.



There is simply no way that I can judge whether my site is productive, because this site was never intended to be measured. This site is my way of diving into the world around me so that I can become more well-rounded (no, not my weight…though I am working on that) by learning from others so that I can better express who I am. Does that make me productive? I really don’t know because I’m not actively following the rules of SEO so that I can be found. I’m just putting it out there so that others can also do what I’m doing. It’s how I’ve always been, whether it’s at work or just creating. For me, like many others, it’s about the creativity that fulfills the depths in me.


This is why I’ve become more focused on what’s happening on the Internet because so many others, including politicians, financiers, economists, and those who are seeking to impact the way that we can use this digital domain of ours. And it’s why I write about what I do.

I don’t know about you, but it’s tiring to think of productivity as the way to raise my own boat. I want all of our boats to rise equally. That’s what my skills have always meant to me: a way for me to create for the betterment of us all.

So, is there a magical formula to make it big? Depends on what you’re planning and what your goals are. If you’re only after numbers that grow, then follow the standards actions that have proven to be successful (check out the many names floating at the top of conversations). But be aware that the Internet is not as predictable as the “real” world simply because it moves so fast and has a much larger group who is observing you and judging you by a multitude of individual standards. That can be intimidating.

And nothing lasts forever, especially success.

But if you’re creating (whether it’s through a blog or through any other inspirational medium) for the sheer pleasure of developing more depth in yourself, then simply check within yourself. How does each creation make you feel? Is it making you excited to keep doing what you’re doing? Because if it is, then keep doing it. Sooner or later, others who feel like you do will gravitate towards you in interest. And you’ll be able to share in a way that gives way to more creativity that makes the world around us better for everyone.

I’m not in it to become a big name. That kind of pressure will affect your process. I’m in it because I don’t plan to ever stop learning and experiencing. Because that moment when you find a new (or well-loved) something that makes me FEEL is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

Just think of how the world would change if we all just simply created.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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