A New Friend Has Arrived

A while back, I had put in a little support (wish it had been more) for a particular Kickstarter campaign that tugged at my heart strings. I have found memories of cicadas as I had grown up in Japan during much of my childhood.

…Also having family there ensures to tie those strings pretty securely.

But back to cicadas: We’ve been getting a multitude of updates from the genius behind the film concept, Mauricio Baiocchi, and it has been really tremendous news for a group of extremely talented film makers (like a Special Jury Recognition at Aspen). Talk about exciting! So, when I opened my mail and saw a box with “Cicada Princess” inked on it, I couldn’t believe that I finally received a bridge bug from that extraordinary film.

Unlike the brief lives cicadas live, these cicadas have been immortalized forever by a loving heart. And now many of them have new homes with others who share in that love. So, let me introduce you to mine (isn’t his traveling cocoon lovely?):
















Looking into that face, I see all of the inquisitiveness of a lovely bug who is curious about where he’s landed. I wonder where all of his other friends are now? Hope they’re happy! Thanks Mauricio and team for such a lovely memory to treasure, as well as for an extraordinary movie that left me in tears. I hope that Cicada Princess achieves so many accolades as it was truly a wondrous experience. It’s one that I will always hold close to my heart.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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